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• – No POV – •

Jack's head fell towards his right shoulder as he was far too weak to hold it up himself.

He was seemingly intoxicated and loopy, and he could taste alcohol heavily in his mouth.

His hearing had gone away as well, leaving him with a brief white noise to accompany his blurry surroundings.

As Jack tried desperately to regain consciousness, Felix was currently busy tying Cry's wrists to the arms of a wooden chair with thick rope.

"Fuck this! Someone will catch you bastards, I promise!" Cry hissed out manically between his teeth, jerking and thrashing about in the seat as he attempted to free himself from his restraints. "Let us go dickheads!"

Felix removed Cry's mask that had been muffling his voice somewhat, and clasped it securely in his hand.

The victim's face was puffy and red, his gentle blue eyes were bloodshot due to stress, and his mouth clung open as he breathed in and out sharply.

But Felix didn't see the ugly side of things.

He saw the prettier side of things, such as Cry's tinted lips and handsome facial structure.

"I'm sorry." Felix mouthed out silently, finishing his job by securing the knots that he had created with the rope.

The door behind them creaked open gradually, and Mark stepped inside with a tall brunette female following behind.

She had a long streak of purple in her wavy bangs, and a youthful, naturally beautiful face that could fool anyone into thinking that she was an innocent bystander.

She was holding a standard first-aid kit in one hand, and a simple black ring box in the other.

She dropped her items on a small end table, and cracked her knuckles as she glanced back and forth between Jack, who was lying motionless on the concrete flooring, and Cry, who was obviously still seated. "You would pick these two bozos out of the entire selection of pedestrians."

Mark raised an eyebrow questioningly, then rolled his eyes at her. "I'll explain later."

Minx removed a black hair elastic from around her wrist and pulled her hair into a messy topknot before she opened up the first aid kit and searched for some clean gloves.

Cry's eyes were as wide as saucers and full of nothing more than terror upon hearing the medical gloves smacking against the unfamiliar lady's wrists once they were applied. "Fuck this shit! Don't you fucking touch me!"

Mark groaned apathetically, grabbing a large bottle of Smirnoff from the end table and unscrewing the black lid. "This could either be an adventure, or a struggle."

Cry shook his head furiously upon realizing that this was, in fact, reality, and despite his unfathomable fear, he managed to glance up at Felix, silently begging for mercy.

Felix turned his head, avoiding eye contact that would definitely result in guilt.

Mark wrapped a single hand around Cry's skinny neck, and pried the young man's mouth open with his index and middle fingers. "Shh... It'll be over before you even know it."

Cry whimpered in protest, allowing hot tears to fall freely down his face as he felt the neck of the glass bottle being forced into his mouth, practically down his throat.

Kidnapped • Septiplier/PewDieCry (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang