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• – No POV – •

The heavy door was slammed open roughly, and it pounded loudly against the brick wall behind it.

Cry felt himself being carried effortlessly into the open apartment, and tightened his arms around Felix's neck, kissing the blonde hungrily.

Felix squeezed Cry's ass harshly, and managed to rub him through his jeans as he carried the younger male towards the nearby bedroom.

The blonde Swede bumped into several tables, chairs, and other standing items, knocking over some things or unsteadying them as he attempted to navigate with closed eyes.

Cry had closed his eyes as well, and whimpered lustfully as Felix suddenly dropped him onto the outdated twin-sized mattress.

Then, Felix bravely straddled himself over Cry's legs, glancing down at him sensually as he started to remove his friend's clothing.

"You know, Pewdie, you're my first. I made out with a guy when I was a senior in high school, but that was pretty much it. It was just a dare anyways." Cry abruptly confessed, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he spoke. "It's cool. You can fuck me if you want... I mean... I'd recommend it, personally."

Felix furrowed his eyebrows and simply shook his head as he basically tore Cry's jeans and underwear away alongside his shoes and socks. "It's okay. I've... Um... Never had sex with a dude before. So..."

Felix ignored what he had just said and pushed Cry's legs apart forcefully once he had silenced himself, admiring his crush's slim, pale body momentarily before opening his mouth to speak again. "Um... I'll figure something out. I'll take it one step at a time."

Cry was smirking as he made fearless eye contact with the Swede. "Sex isn't supposed to be perfect. It's supposed to hurt sometimes. It's supposed to be weird. And it's definitely going to be confusing. That's all part of the adventure though."

Felix sighed shakily and reached his arms forward to cuff Cry's reddened cheeks with both hands. "Okay, I know. I just want to make sure that all of this is okay with you."

Cry nodded promptly, and smiled visibly towards the blonde. "It's okay, really. It's hard to resist a bad dude who's actually a good guy."


• – Jack's POV – •

Mark and I finally broke away from each another.

He was gazing into my eyes, almost lovingly, if possible.

I shook my head, smiling awkwardly and laughing softly due to the shock factor of it all.

"I can't fucking do this..." I suddenly whispered as I stared down towards the concrete flooring below, finally managing to make eye-contact with Mark once I had regained my confidence. "Am I just here to replace Amy? Or are do you have something more sinister in mind?"

Mark scowled angrily towards me upon hearing me speak of his deceased love.

And unexpectedly, he wrapped both of his hands around my neck and started slamming my head against the wall behind us unforgivingly.

I squeezed my eyes shut as all of the air in my lungs suddenly escaped, and I cried out loud in intense pain as my head bounced against the bricks behind us.

Mark immediately released me upon eventually realizing what he was doing, and his arms fell to his sides as I finally plummeted to the concrete flooring.

Kidnapped • Septiplier/PewDieCry (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora