Chapter 15

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Arrow v Flash
Part two

"Iris," Barry said, his vocal cords vibrating as he spoke. They were at Jitters, meeting Iris to confront her about the blog she had been writing for the Flash.

After the confrontation with Eiling, Barry had quickly run back to StarLabs with Bethany.

Nobody had mention the way Eiling had been talking to Bethany like he knew her, which she was thankful for. Only a few minutes after they had arrived to the run down building, Barry had gotten a ping on his phone from Iris' blog.

"You know where to find me."

The duo quickly changed into their alias costumes after Barry had begged the blonde to go with him.

Who could say no to that face?

"Headset." Cisco announced to Bethany, holding a small earpiece in his hand. The blonde smiled, gladly taking it from him before placing it in her ear. It felt as though she was slowly becoming a real member of the team.

"Thank you." She smiled brightly at him, ecstatic that out of everyone, Cisco wasn't going to hold anything she had done or kept to herself, against her. Quickly, Bethany hugged him before Barry ran them both to the coffee shop.

"Flash," Iris grinned, amazement in her eyes as she looked up from the first floor at the pair on the little balcony.

Bethany hopped up on the railing, sitting on the edge so that her feet swayed back and forth. She was only really there as moral support for Barry.

"It would be great to call you by your real name."

"You mean like Ralph," Barry asked, causing the blonde to snort.

"Is your name Ralph," Iris asked, oblivious to the fact that her two best friends were right in front of her.

Barry sped down to the first floor, standing in the shadows away from the brunette.

"What did you want to see me about?"

Iris hesitated, squinting her eyes before continuing.

"My boyfriend, he's a cop, and he thinks that you're dangerous." She glanced up to Dash up above who was watching the two in amusement, though, it was too dark for Iris to tell. "I can see what he means, now."

"She's no more dangerous than I am," Barry glanced up towards the blonde before smirking. "Well, I say not dangerous...she's dangerous...just not dangerous to this city," Barry paused again, opening his mouth to say something more before bethany stopped him.

"You're not helping." She shook her head disapproving, but couldn't help her laugh.

"Anyways," Iris interrupted, getting back on track. "He's trying to convince his boss that you're a menace who needs to be stopped. I thought I should warn you."

"You guys there," Cisco questioned over the headsets urgently. Barry responded first.


"The police got a ping on the tracers in the stolen cash stacks. SWAT team is closing in on sixteen block pass."

"Now stop giving Iris more to write about and go."

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