Chapter 14

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The picture is what I imagine Bethany's eyes to look like. I'm actually extremely jealous of the girl in this photo. Her eyes are so pretty!

Well enjoy Arrow v Flash!


Arrow v Flash
Part one

The next morning Bethany was awaken by another nightmare around five in the morning. She looked to her right to find that Barry was no longer there, and decided she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep, so she lazily got out of bed. Quickly, she got dressed, putting on a pair of black jeans along with a white, long sleeve sweater which made her blonde's hair look far messier than it already had.

Slowly, her eyes moved from what she wore on her body to the mirror that stood in front of her. She noticed how the white shirt caused her altered eyes to stand out more. Almost unnoticeably, small streaks of light took over the whites of her eyes, once again, for only a few seconds.

Blinking several times, Bethany felt her hands shake, an uneasy feeling washing over her at the thought that the lightening like glow in her eyes may appear when someone could notice.

"It won't happen," she thought, "and even if it did, it won't last long enough for anyone to notice."

With that she looked away from the mirror, no longer able to stand her own reflection. She slipped on her black and white Adidas sneakers before grabbing her phone.

Running a hand through her hair to remove it from her face, Bethany clicked the home button, the time reading six forty-five in the morning.

She thought back to all the times she had gone to see Barry while he was still in a coma, it was usually early, Cisco and Caitlyn seemed to always be there, so the blonde decided that she would see if she could be of any help at StarLabs, especially since they knew about her Central City Alias.

No longer would she have to find information all on her own, no longer would she have to go out to a fight with no one to talk about it with. She had people now, and every time the thought made her smile. The only difficult part was keeping her secret away from Doctor Wells, whom Bethany did not trust in the slightest.

"Coffee," Cisco practically yelled seeing a familiar blonde walk in, a coffee carrier carefully balancing between her left elbow and her stomach, her right hand carrying an athletic back which held her costume incase she needed it.

"Hello, Bethany, how has your morning been?' 'Oh! It's been wonderful Cisco, how has yours been?' 'Pretty good," Bethany laughed, trying to impersonate Cisco's voice but had failed miserably, and she knew it. The man only shrugged, before grabbing his coffee and sticking his tongue out at the blonde.

She raised an eyebrow at him, fighting the urge to laugh when his face turned from mock to fear to childlike anger.

"Stop doing that! You know you look super intimidating when you do that!" Bethany giggled to herself as she walked over to sit beside Caitlyn, whom was currently watching a red dot move across the screen only looking away for a second to thank the blonde for the coffee that had been set down before her.

"So what is that, the red dot," she questioned, not quite understanding what was so interesting about it.

"That's Barry," she said nonchalantly, causing the blonde to nod, realizing it was a stupid question and that she was going to need more coffee if she wanted to think straight.

Suddenly, the computer began to beep rapidly, causing Cisco to run over and nearly shove Bethany aside to get to it.

"Barry," he yelled loudly into a mic, "there's a bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere."

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