Chapter 6

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"Hold him!"

"He's not gonna make it."

"He will. We just have to find out what's in his system."

"Was she injected with anything?"


"Was she injected with anything?!"

Bethany groaned. There was a loud heart monitor beeping frantically, and people talking but the voices were all muffled. She didn't know where she was or how she had gotten there.

"No, she couldn't have. There weren't any needles on her," Diggle quickly said, matter of factly.

"Help him," Felicity pleaded somewhere to the left of where Bethany was currently laid on what felt like a metal surface.

"I-I-I usually only work on dead people," Barry stuttered, clearly not confident in taking any action at the moment.

"Barry," the blonde yelled, snapping him out of his little freak out.

"All right. I can think of four possible diagnosis for what causing his body to react this way." Bethany heard footsteps running around the room. She was trying to figure out what was going on without moving her body, which ached with even the smallest movement of her chest rising and falling with every breath she took.

"Make that three possible diagnosis." More feet shuffled across the floor. "Two. Start chest compressions. Got it." Felicity and Diggle looked at Barry eagerly. "He's suffering from intravenous coagulation." He looked from the Diggle to Felicity but neither of them knew what that meant. "His blood is unnaturally clotting. It's like maple syrup."

"You can save him, right," Felicity asked, her voice shaky.

Barry looked around, his eyes landing on a box in the corner. "Lucky you guys have a rat problem."

"Are you kidding? That'll kill him," Diggle yelled, definitely not okay with Oliver being given rat poison.

"He dies if I don't."

Bethany's ears rang, she tried to move her head to the side, which caused the entire room to spin, but she could tell she was back at Verdant. She closed her eyes tightly, her makeup slightly smearing from the sweat collection around her face.

"Just the right amount of this stuff will thin his blood enough to get it circulating again." In just a few moments, the beeping stopped. Bethany opened her eyes, the light nearly blinding her, but she could see she was in her vigilante costume. Then it all came back and Bethany knew, the masked man had beaten them.

"Oliver," She mumbled, attempting to roll onto her side, then she thought about it. All the beeping was from him. "Oliver!"

With a loud thump Bethany hit the floor. She laid there for only a second, silently cursing to herself. Quickly, she pushed herself up with her hands, landing on her feet only to come face to face with a very unhappy looking Barry.

He said nothing, only watching her as though she were a stranger. Bethany stepped to the side so she could walk around Barry to see Oliver.

"Is he going to be alright," she asked looked towards Felicity only for Barry to answer.

"Yeah, he should wake up in a bit.


Everything was more relaxed now, at least physically. There was a lot of tension in the room but no one was running around yelling commands at the moment. Bethany sat in a chair, watching as Barry removed what she had always annoyingly called a sticker, from Oliver's neck so that he could supposedly recreate a fingerprint.

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