Chapter 10

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The next day was never ending for Bethany. She had visible dark circles under her eyes resulting from the lack of sleep, and shaky hands from anxiety.

She feared what would happen later that day when she was forced to StarLabs by Barry, she feared what Caitlyn and Cisco would do when they found out that she had been effected the night of the particle accelerator explosion, and, she feared seeing Dr.Wells due to his obscure hatred for the blonde.

That morning, she had received a phone call from Eddie who explained a gun store robbery and asked her to come in earlier. Of course, she agreed, lazily forcing herself out of bed and towards her closet, where she grabbed dark wash jeans and tucked in a white button up shirt that fit loosely on her torso.

When she had arrived, Bethany wasn't too surprised to see that Barry had yet to show up. She walked up to Joe, who let out a breath of relief when he spotted the blonde. He quickly pulled her into a tight embrace, which she returned even after the events of yesterday.

"I'm so sorry, Bethany. I-I should have never said that, I wasn't thinking and..."

"It's fine Joe. I'm okay." She smiled, giving the illusion that she really was okay when she wasn't. Her mind was constantly at war with itself. One half whimpering about her time on the island, one part whispering she was crazy, and the other wired to blame herself for everything that has ever gone wrong in her life.

It was her fault for getting in a fight with Tony, it was her fault for her brother's death, it was her fault for getting onto the Queen's Gambit, and perhaps it was her fault Barry went into a coma.

"If you had just persuaded Joe into letting both Barry and yourself go to StarLabs then you could have stopped the guy who took Iris' bag, prevented Barry from getting back to the precinct early, getting struck by lightening, and going into a coma."

Bethany lifted the yellow tape over her head, easing her way into the crime scene while lightly shaking her head to remove the thought. She walked around for a minute, examining the dirt like substance that covered the floor and all the footprints that were embedded into it.

"Perp made off with a bunch of hand guns. At least six Glock-19s fitted with extra ammunition magazines." She listened in as Joe explained to Captain Signh more or less of what Eddie had told her over the phone.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Barry said walking into the gun store. Bethany continued to walk around the evidence on the floor, furrowing her eyebrows as she tried to understand how one person could have crossed over their own footprints so many times.

"Doing a little fall shopping Mr.Allen," Captain Singh asked referring to the tag that hung from his right shoulder before Joe removed it. He gave Barry a pointed look before handing him a pair of gloves.

Bethany squatted down, ignoring her friends entrance, as she resting her arms on her knees. She picked up a small piece of glass from the floor, examining it between her index finger and her thumb before her green eyes went back to the footprints.

Barry continued to freeze up until Eddie walked up to Joe and Captain Singh holding a tablet. "I downloaded surveillance footage off the security camera, looks like only one perp."

"Um," Bethany mumbled under her breath but drew the attention of the four men to herself. "There couldn't have just been one. The footprints. With the amount of time he was in here and the guns that were stolen...he wouldn't have crossed himself this many times."

Barry finally entered the crime scene, stepping around the foot prints not to disrupt the evidence. "She's right. I'd say six guys which makes sense with the six guns stolen, we should be looking for a crew," he bent down, taking a closer look at the shoes. "Huh...weird...the footprints, they look about the same size, men's ten I'd guess." Bethany looked at him in slight awe, wondering how he was always capable of measuring objects with just his eyes, that was at least until his last statement, "Just like you Captain."

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