Chapter 12

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"Wow Barry, where does all of that go," Bethany laughed as she swiveled around in her chair to face her green eyed friend who had just inhaled three boxes of donuts.

"That's actually a very good question," he glanced behind himself smiling, but it quickly fell. "Where did you go last night, after you left StarLabs?"

"I don't need anyone worrying about what I'm doing every second of the day, Bar," the blonde rolled her eyes as she played with the charm on her necklace subconsciously before she realized what she had said sounded far harsher than she had intended.

"Of course I'm going to worry about you, Bethany! I can't lose you again," he whisper yelled as he turned towards Bethany. She furrowed her eyebrows at his sudden out burst.

"Where is this coming from," she questioned, dropping her necklace to pay her full attention to him.

"Yesterday, I was afraid you would go back to Starling and practically get yourself killed," he lowered is voice as he calmed slightly, almost like the fact that he could see her, and knew she was safe was all he needed. "It doesn't help that I know you're always running around the city as-"

"As what," Joe interrupted, causing Barry to sigh annoyedly.

"Come to yell at me again," he asked, pretending to be working on the paper work for the case.

"Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night," the Detective hesitated, taken aback by the coldness of Barry's voice. "The coroner took some skin samples, hopefully they belong to the killer. See if you can find a match."

Bethany dropped her head onto her knees, which were currently pulled up to her chest. She sighed loudly but neither of the men were paying attention to her.

"Can't be a coincidence Stagg's benefit was attacked last night." Barry took the file, flipping through a few papers before looking back up at Joe.

"I'm going to interview Stagg now."

"I'll come with you," Barry pushed.

"No, you're job is in here, stay here and do it," Joe said in a threatening tone which Barry didn't dare talk back to. He quickly left leaving the two alone once again.

"Do you ever wonder how odd it is that we treat death like it's nothing unless it's someone close to us, or even ourselves." Barry turned to listen to her, his eyes showing her his full attention as she played with her fingers. "When a person dies everything they are, from birth to death, is gone...just gone. Everything they've strived for in their life, every memory they have, everything they've ever thought...gone." He watched her intently, his eyes squinting as he wondered to himself how much she had truly changed.

"Do you want to come over later," he suddenly asks, turning back around and flipping through a few papers.


"After we sort out all this metahuman you want to come over and watch a movie or something."

"Why," the blonde asked suspiciously.

"It's been a long time since we did something like that," he shrugged nonchalantly. She smiled up at him before spinning back around in her chair to face her desk.

"My place instead and it's a date," Bethany laughed.


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