Deals in the Dark

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So, I thought about sticking to my word and keeping the chapters short, I really did, but I won’t. In fact, I feel kind of guilty that this one is so long…but…oh well. And yes, this isn’t the part two of ‘Go’ like I said it would be, but looks like I didn’t keep that promise either. Sorry.

Wow, it feels good to get it off my chest. *Deep breath*

BTW this is the next to last chapter!!!!!

And the last one will be shorter! ;-D


Jaxur, the warlock-Shadow-cross was in the makeshift army Alycia and Matthew had gathered. So, he was in the mass group that lead the attack on Division with the goal of overwhelming them. He, however, had decided that his main goal was to survive the day unharmed, and so had not lead the attack, but carefully positioned himself at the back of the wave. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Miranda and her small team could take out Division’s defenses, it was just that he did not want to be the one to test it out.

As a result, he didn’t get to see any action on the initial charge attack.

Once they were through the fence, though, the real action began.

When the first wave had taken out the perimeter security, they hadn’t got there in time to stop one of the men crying out, or really screaming out as loud as possible. This had alerted a group of people walking in the open area between the fence and the building who had run inside to alert everyone they could find. Now, even though they had no communication or power, pretty much all the guards in Division were outside fighting.

Jaxur sighed as a human guard pointed a gun that had to be half his weight straight at Jaxur’s heart. He felt that being made out of half Shadow really took the fun out of fighting. How could there be any death defying stunts if death literally couldn’t touch him? And how could he have the adrenaline rush the sight of the business end of a gun provided most people if he knew that the ammunitions could not hurt him?

He paused for though as the liquid-silver-filled bullets hit him in the chest and travelled straight through him. Was it possible for him to have adrenaline? He had no veins or blood, that he could tell, so did that mean that adrenaline was not present either?

The human stared at him in horror, firing another round off just to be sure that he wasn’t imagining things, before turning and running. Jaxur reached a lazy hand out, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and breathed into his face. When he wanted to, Jaxure could release a lethal gas from his lungs that killed any living, breathing being who came in contact with it. It did nothing to the undead or Attroxians, but it was efficient on almost anything else.

Before the human even hit the ground, Jaxur had moved on. He didn’t bother dancing between blades, guns, or even people, but just walked straight through them. Really, he didn’t have a body, not even a physical manifestation like Attroxians. He was just a collection of darkness in a humanoid shape. But he found the ‘humanoid shape’ easier to move around in than the ‘dark mist of night’ (really just a fancy name for ‘really black misty thing’); it was surprisingly hard to run when you had no legs. That, and he found it hard to keep track of his deadly tendrils.

He did, as a rule, though, try to avoid walking through people; having an entity of darkness, even if it was only half and entity of darkness, pass through them often made someone feel at least a little queasy, and then a little dead.

When he reached one of the door into the main building of Division, two burly were-creatures blocked his way.

Jaxur smiled at them, raising his hands in a supposedly friendly gesture, “Which of you lovely gentlemen is going to let me through first?”

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