First Day

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Forgot to say in the last chapters that I changed the cover. It’s now a picture of Alycia (when she’s not human anyway)…okay, I just really like the picture so I kinda made Alycia to look like it.

For those of you wondering who the heck Jessica is and why I randomly threw in a chapter about a seemingly random teenage girl, here it is. She finally gets into the plot, and…oh, school starts, too.

Hope you’ve been enjoying it so far!

See ‘ya and don’t forget to vote/comment!

Horsegirl113 (p.s. horses rule, and so do centaurs, no matter what anybody says!)

                    “Hey, Mom! I’m home!” Jessica yelled to the probably empty house as she dropped her too-small-to-be-useful Gucci handbag on the table by the door and dropped onto the white leather couch in the living room.

    “Do you come home so late every school night? It’s eleven P.M.! You’re a year away from college young lady!” A man yelled, storming into the small living room and causing Jessica to guiltily drop the remote.

    He was medium everything: height, build, even a neutral shade of brown in his eyes and hair that was identical to Jessica’s until she died her hair golden just to rebel against the influence he had on her life. He had a face that made him look like he was permanently sucking on lemons; eyes squinting, lips puckered, and cheeks an unhealthy shade of red.

           My God, what a freak! How did his genes combine with Mom’s to make me? Jessica thought angrily as she stood up and faced the man.

           Anger and rebellion welled up inside her, almost reaching breaking point before dwindling to a small spark as she cringed under his hot glare.

           “Dad? What are you doing here? I thought you were…away…” She trailed off, feeling more and more like a six-year-old girl as she shrank into the soft rug on the floor. When she was six was definitely the last time her father had been in front of her.

           Jessica suddenly ripped her attention from the carpet, which she had just been pretending to study, and glared at her mother who had now entered the room behind her husband. Jessica was convinced that if she tried hard enough, she could bore holes in the woman’s head; a perfect revenge for no warning her.

           “Yes! I was!” He snapped with enough anger to send her heart into over-drive and have Jessica looking for escape routes, “I was in Paris for the month, but decided to come home and spend time with the two of you. Imagine my surprise when I arrived the night before midterms to find you missing until midnight?”

                “But Dad…” Jessica started.

                “No, this is unacceptable, young lady. From now on…” Jessica’s father just stormed on.

                “But Dad, listen! It’s not a school night!”

                He stopped mid rant, “What?”

                “It’s not a school night! School starts the day after tomorrow, we had a week off for Christmas. If you actually were here instead of off on some business trip 24/7 then maybe you’d actually know what’s going on! You can’t just storm in here and scream at me when you have no idea what you’re talking about!” She screamed.

                “That does it, you’re grounded. You say school starts the day after tomorrow? Good, because you’re going to stay in your room all day tomorrow and study for when you go back to school.”

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