A Week of Eternity*editted* pic of Alex

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Something you really need to read if you want to see the rest of the story:

Just to let y’all know, I changed the prologue (yes, again, but I think this is the last time…) It’s from the POV of Miranda and kinda relates to one of the characters in this chapter, but I won’t reveal anymore. Can you guys PUH-LEASE let me know what you think about it, I’m really not sure about prologues, so I really really want feedback! I know you like giving me the silent treatment and all that, but this is IMPORTANT…well to me anyway…so…please?

Tell you what, after this chapter I won’t post another one until atleast THREE PEOPLE have commented on the prologue. And I mean it! You won’t get to read any new chapters or find out what happens!


            “Sir?” Alycia asked nervously, her stomach doing its best impression of an acrobat.

            The tall, dark man turned and scowled, “Yes?”

            She resisted the urge to cringe away when he revealed the elongated fangs that dominated his mouth. No matter how much he tried, the blood stains never truly left.

            “I needed to talk to you about something,” She muttered nervously looking down. Don’t look him in the eyes. He’ll control you if you look him in the eyes, She thought desperately. The man’s eyes were not just black, they were void. If she could see a black hole, Alycia was sure it would be the same color as this man’s eyes, they were like a pit that lead all the way to Hell and beyond.

            “Well that much is obvious. Why are you not talking to Miranda about this? I have told you that I am not to be disturbed unless it is a matter of utter importance. Miranda is the one that represents me, you should consult her on all things, not me. Only she talks to me,” He lectured testily.

            Alycia glanced around the room that the two were alone in, while the rest of the complex had been carved in straight lines out of rock, this room was just a naturally made cave. With blood covering the walls.

            “I’m sorry, sir, but it’s about Miranda.”

            There was a pause long enough for Alycia to be drawn into looking up at his face, but still avoiding his eyes. Lucien sighed, “I see. Well, what is it.”

            Alycia immediately looked at the ground again, not wanting to see his face as she spoke. This was the one being that she had never tried to read or in any way see into the motives of, he was too powerful, too violent, too terrifying. “It’s a girl, the girl Alexander turned. Miranda wants me to kill her.”

            Lucien sighed again, “I have told you this before: Miranda is a great leader and my choice. Yes, she may occasionally lapse back into the faults of her past, but she more than makes up for that with her abilities as a leader. If it was not for her, this establishment would be on its knees bowing to the Count and his followers already. The occasional…dispensing of a being is a reasonable price for that, don’t you think? I know, you may have a moral dilemma with carrying out orders, but it is for good.”

            Alycia nodded, not wanting to know if he knew the extent of her personal dilemmas, “Yes, sir, and normally I would do it without hesitation,” She lied, “But this girl…she has the gift of inception. And she’s good, too; she almost tricked me into doing what she wanted.”

Another long silence caused Alycia to glance up. Lucien was staring thoughtfully into the distance, a look of confusion on his face. Before she realized what she was doing, Alycia looked into his eyes.

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