The New Girl

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The sun was just beginning to shyly peak over the horizon as Alexander cut the engine of the motorcycle and walk into the apartment building. He always took the back stairs because of his strange hours (after the first few days, he was sick of the dirty looks the landlady gave him. Not only was he wondering in at late nights, which was never a good thing in a teenager, but he also often dragged mud and filth in with him).

                “That was not cool, Dude,” DJ growled when Alexander rounded the corner to the back of the building.

                Alexander smiled and reached for the door, not bothering to turn his head to the side and see DJ leaning against the wall.

                “Of course not. Since when have fires be cool?” Alexander laughed, unlocking the door with his key and opening it.

                “Hey, can I ask you something?” DJ asked, quickly following him in.

                “You can ask,” Alexander answered, already cautious.

                “Why don’t we take a trip?”

                “A trip?” Alexander repeated, confused.

                “Yeah, a trip. Anywhere. Just going off somewhere, away from everything,” DJ tried.

                Alexander froze, “Why?”

                “What?” DJ tried to keep his voice completely innocent.

                He turned around, “What’s up with the whole ‘let’s take a trip? Just when we start helping Division and get assigned here. Just when I’m about to start school? There has to be something about that idea. Does it have anything to do with Damien’s visit?”

                “Nothing, I just was thinking that it would be…” DJ trailed off, he hadn’t prepared for this.

                There was a moment of silence as Alexander examined DJ’s face, “Is this because of that thing that you can’t tell me about?”

                DJ smiled, “I can’t tell you.”

                Alexander laughed, “Okay, fine, but in a couple weeks. I’m not on call to Damien, no matter what he says.”

                DJ sighed in relief. It wasn’t exactly what Miranda wanted, but at least Alexander was thinking about going away. He couldn’t wait to see her again. She was alive! It was unbelievable!

                Opening the door to their apartment, Alexander froze, causing DJ to walk into his back.

                “What are you?” He demanded, staring into the apartment.

                Moving around his friend to see into the apartment, DJ gasped. Standing in the middle of the room, there was a girl, about fifteen, in a low cut red shirt and small, tight miniskirt. Next to her was a large suitcase, a leather briefcase in her hand, and a sheepish smile on her face. The strangest thing was not that she was glowing faintly silver, but that he couldn’t sense her heartbeat. Nobody had no heartbeat.

                “My…um…name is Alycia . I was sent here by a…um…Damien?” She stammered, dropping her briefcase and picking it up again.

                Alexander walked into the room, checking every corner for more unannounced guests. DJ carefully closed the door behind him, not taking his eyes off the girl.

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