Throwing a Secret...

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Okay, I’ve been avoiding writing about the school since I’m really getting sick of my real school and don’t want to invent one in my head, so I’m just jumping ahead to the night before. Basically, Alycia helped guide Alex in fitting in, and Alex felt sick for a bit since he was like a half-human-half-vamp freakshow because of that pill. Sorry, I’m rushing. Busy busy busy!

This ones kinda short but I had to get this bit in. Sorry if you don’t like Jessica! I promise the next one will be longer and when things start happening. I'll try actually writing it out by the end of this weekend.

Thanks so much for reading, you guys rock!

As alwayz, comment/vote to let me know what you think. Oh, and I hope you like puppies!


                “So, what happened?” Whitney asked Jessica when she met her outside of school. It was the end of the day and the crowd was really starting to build up as people rushed to get home and away from teachers.

                “What happened where?” Jessica asked dumbly.

                Whitney raised an eyebrow, “Everybody in the school just got a text that you’re throwing this massive party at your house. Since I know you’re grounded and the Dictator is suddenly home again, I assume something’s up.”

                “Nothing’s up. Just a party. You coming?” Jessica smiled, watching  Chris come up behind Whitney and silently praying that he could distract her.

                “Hey, guys. Jess, do you have mind control?” Chris grinned, wrapping his arm around Whitney.


                “Well, you must have if your dad’s suddenly okay with having the whole school over at your house while you grounded,” His grin got bigger and more evil.

                Whitney laughed and leaned into him, “That’s what we were just talking about.”

                Jessica sighed, “He doesn’t know, okay!”

                “What? Then why did you text everybody in school that you were having a party?” Whitney demanded, batting her eyelashes.

                “I was hoping I could keep it from him.”

                Chris laughed, “Good luck with that! Doesn’t he work for the secret service or something?”

                “How should I know! I barely even see him! He could be a Russian spy for all I know! He might as well be on the moon!” Jessica snapped, forcing down the tears. It wasn’t easy living with just her mother. Every time she asked about her father, she was shut up. There weren’t even any family photos of him. Not even the ones of the day she was born; they were just her and her mother in the hospital. The first time she remembered seeing him was when she was six and that was when he had a closed door conversation with her mother in the kitchen. Come to think of it, that was the day that her mother and introduced her to him and told her to call him ‘Daddy.’

                “Hey, babe, can I talk to Jess alone for a sec?” Whitney asked Chris, carefully taking his arm off her shoulder.

                Chris shrugged, “If you want,” and walked away.

                “Hey, Jess, what’s up?” She asked in a gentle voice.

                “What do you mean?”

                “Well, you’ve not been acting like yourself lately. Is it that dance coming up? Are you still upset about Brad dumping you? You know, I hear that he and Nicole are Splitsville and if you play it right…”

                “Please! I’m so over that idiot. If he wants to play house with that over-peppy cheerleader that’s fine by me!” Jessica snorted, crossing her arms. The break up had hurt, but not that much. It was the fact that the winter dance was coming up and she had nobody to go with.

                “So is it that dance? I’ve got a cousin over in Chesterfield if you really want someone to take you,” Whitney offered, guiding Jess away from the crowd.

                Jessica smiled sadly, “Thanks, Whit, but that’s kinda why I was throwing the party.”

                Whitney smiled, Jessica always had a plan, “Who you thinking of?”

                “You know the new guy?”

                Whitney pulled a face, “The new guy? You’re seriously thinking of dating the new kid?”

                “I just need one stupid dance and then I’ll be free. Once the dance is over, I’ll be safe until Couple Night which is in three months anyway.”

                “But he’s a bit…weird.”

                “Only a bit. He’s got the looks. All I have to do is get him to ask me and then work on his…image." Jessica smiled, manipulation was what she did best. This one would be fun. "He's in my Chem class, so I gave him an invite. You know, he doesn't even have a phone?”

                 Whitney laughed quietly, “Seriously? How has this boy survived? Good luck making him normal with no cell. Hey, do you want me to help with the party? I’ll arrange it if you like, let you put your full attention to getting the Dictator on your side.”

                Jessica hugged her quickly, “You’re the best. Thanks.”

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