Setting the Trap

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Okay, I feel bad. I realize it’s been…well, I don’t know how long since my last upload. I have an excuse! Brain damage and chaos. Oh, and a driver’s permit test that is a lot harder than my brother lead me to believe. Long story.

So, without any further delay here it is, the next chapter! I did mean it to be longer, sorry, but I really didn’t have time.

Since I wanted to get it up ASAP, it’s not been proof read half as much as I’d like (meaning 0), so sorry for any and all grammatical errors and incontinuities [is that how you spell that word?]. I will come back and proof read the whole book once I’ve finished writing it.

Until then, enjoy!

Oh, and the evil looking dude glaring at you through the screen is the Count.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Alycia asked for the umpteenth time. She, Miranda, and Alexander were standing in flat clearing with trees all around them and the black entrance to the Caves of Antenon to their backs. They were waiting, with varying levels of impatience, for the Governess.

Alexander nodded again and tried to ignore the ache in his neck muscles from nodding so much, “Yes. I really don’t have any other choice.”

“But the Governess…”

“Alycia, I have three days left. I can already feel myself dying despite the angel’s help. Even if there was another way, I doubt we’d be able to find it in time.”

“But she could…” Alycia started again, her nerves about meeting the Governess overriding her common sense.

“Alycia!” Miranda snapped, at the very edge of her patience, “It will work, okay! There is no way she can get out of it. So just shut up and wait.”

“But the Shadow…” She tried again, but was once again stopped before she could finish her sentence.

“Stands to gain a lot from us if he can hold this over us, but that is something he cannot do if we are also indebted to the Governess with an even stronger bond. He will do his part,” Alexander reassured her.

Alycia sighed, feeling like she was just trading one horrible tie of loyalty for one that was even worse; to be under a Shadow? There couldn’t be anything worse. With another dramatic sigh, she sat down heavily on a nearby rock and placed her head in her hands. All she could do was wait.

Matthew looked up at the Governess massive house in the Hamptons in awe. It was huge! But he should have guessed that from the large gates that proclaimed extreme wealth to all who thought of passing. But everything was made with a modern style; there was plenty of white and glass everywhere to let in the sun and proclaim that the residents had too much money do know what to do with.

The driver of the New York cab he had hired also whistled his respect, “You sure this is where you want to go, buddy? Looks awful rich place, probably not the kind of place people want to go to in a cab. If you like, I could park on the street and let you walk from there.”

Matthew thought this over for a few seconds. He was taking a cab instead of teleporting because he didn’t want to be traced back to Haven. No matter how hard he tried, he always left a trace in the air when he teleported, a trace that the right kind of mind could use to find the exact location of where he was going and where he had come from. If he was seen to just walk in to the Governess’s house, they would assume he had teleported there and waste resources trying to find the trace, but if he was seen entering in a cab they would know for sure that he hadn’t teleported. But they probably already knew; the Governess didn’t seem like the kind of woman who would not have security cameras installed.

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