Shadows in the Dark

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Heyy guys! So sorry that I’ve not uploaded recently, I haven’t actually disappeared off the face of the Earth, I just had to go to school. :*( Any way, thanks so much for reading this. And I KNOW you’re reading it since I can see the little numbers next to the word ‘reads’ on my screen going up. So please, as always COMMENT.

In this chapter I’m introducing a new character who might become a major part of the story, and I’d really like to know what you guys think.

Anywayz, see ya!


                “I’m sorry guys, I can’t let you in,” David sighed. His uncle had got him the job as ticket seller in the town theatre, a job that he really liked since he got to take money from all the kids that went to his school (he made a point of overcharging those that were mean to him), chat with them, and it also gained him a lot of ‘friends’ as people realized that he had the authority to let them into R rated movies, but it also meant that he occasionally had to say no to them.

                Jessica stomped her foot, “Oh, come on, David, you have to let us in! The movie just came out! Can you imagine how embarrassing it will be if we’re the only people who haven’t seen it?!” Jessica was one of what David called the ‘It Group,’ which most people would call the ‘Populars.’ She was a ‘Head Girl’ of the school, everyone in school knew her, she was never seen without make up, perfect hair, and some kind of designer label. She was also always accompanied by at least three other people in school, and out of it she was always in her ‘group.’ ‘The Group’ was made of her, the head, Whitney Bishop and her boyfriend (Who, for the past six months had been Chris Kingston), the most recent new girl, Casey Evens and her boyfriend (He was her very first, Josh Regel). Everyone knew that they hung out in booth 4 of Hal’s Ice Cream; it was everyone’s dream to be invited to The Booth. They also saw every movie the second it came out, just like all the other members of the ‘It Group.’

                “You have to understand, David,” Whitney smiled her pretty-girl smile showing her perfectly aligned, expertly whitened teeth in between her rich-red-lipstick-colored lips, “That if we don’t know what happens, everyone will know.”

                “I don’t think so,” David shook his head and crossed his arms, desperately trying to ignore the looks of the three girls in front of him. Their boyfriends had stopped outside to sort something out about their cars or talk to fellow football players or something important that only popular people get to know about.

                “Oh, come on, David, it’s got Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, do you have any idea what that means? Everyone is going to see it! How can we miss out on that? Would you really do that to us?” Whitney persisted, determined to prove her reputation as world class manipulator as true.

                David shook his head again, “I know that, trust me, but I can’t let anyone of you guys in to see it, or any movie for that matter.”

                There was a silence as the girls put their glare on him.

                Finally Casey, the newest to the group and least experienced in hiding her emotions and manipulating people, let her curiosity get the better of her, “Why?” she asked.

                David smiled, Finally! A bright one! “You remember the whole picture-of-the-prinicpal-and-Mrs.-Lutz-on-the-internet incident?”

                Jessica smiled, remembering how perfect it was that she had her camera when she opened the supply closet to find the two most powerful adults in the school together in there, “Of course I remember that! Everyone’s seen the picture! But how has that got anything to do with banning us from the movies?”

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