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                Okay, I did post a third chapter, in case you noticed the whole, jumping from 2 to 4, but apparently there is some kind of copywrited thing on there that I can't find, but apparently it's there, so I’m working on it. It’s not that important to the story, just a convo between the President and the PM of the UK, so I might just leave it out anyway.

Anywayz, this chapter (since the last one didn’t work) is dedicated to MarisaBroyles, the first person to comment on this book! Thanks Marisa! Glad you liked it.

I think I’m going to keep doing this, so if you r the first to comment on a chapter, I will dedicate the next chapter to you!


The council members who did not know about the Connection all wondered what the Count was doing. He had been in the middle of informing them about the risks of only employing non-magical people for office jobs in Division, when suddenly he sat back against his chair and closed his eyes. This caused a lot of whispered discussions and sideways glances. A couple diplomats were about to go and feel for a pulse when they got shot down by the looks from the vampires in the room.

               Everyone in the room with access to the Connection were not worried as they all knew that he was on a Call, and they all suspected who it was with.

                ‘So are you going to access my mind, or can you not do that to vampires?’ The Count asked Alexander, visibly smiling, ‘Perhaps you Called because you had a change of mind.'

                ‘You do not blackmail me, Count. I agreed to cooperate with you in return for one small thing. You have the modern paperwork to thank for that. It's getting harder to forge identities, otherwise I would have ignored you like everyone else. I fight for no one, least of all government.' Came the furious response. The Count suppressed the urge to scowl, Alexander had spat the word government like a curse word.

                ‘I am not asking you to help me. I am asking you to do your duty. You owe it to your kind…’

                By the sound of his thoughts, Alexander was spitting with anger, ‘I owe my kind nothing! I was turned as an experiment in a basement! 'My kind,' as you call it, has imprisoned me and hunted me too many times to count. I ‘did my duty to my kind’ before when I fought in the Wars, and that got me left in a for dead in a cave, and when I was found, it was only because someone else wanted me to 'do my duty.'"

               The Count raised an eyebrow, ‘And then you went on a killing spree out of spite.’

                ‘I did not go on a killing spree! I was forced to kill. And then, in return, I was abandoned in a desert dimension and Miranda was Stripped and killed. I don’t see how that means I owe anything to anyone.’

                ‘Okay, if not your kind, how about the world? Don't you think you owe the world something because of your past?'

                 'I have no idea what you mean,' The Count imagined Alexander was trying to keep a pokerface and convince himself that he was telling the truth.

                'Don't give me that. You destroyed villages and towns, killing the people and setting their houses on fire just to make a point! The last time you were in Europe, you caused the Great Fire of London! And the time before that, you spread plague infested rats everywhere,’ The Count smirked, judging by the silence from Alexander after that statement,  he had him.

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