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Hello, yes, it’s one of those annoying author’s notes that don’t seem to contribute much to the story, but THIS ONE YOU SHOULD READ…that is, if you don’t want to be confused and waste time.

So, you remember reading the last chapter, right? Well if you don’t, feel free to read it again, I won’t mind. Anyway, at the end I said how I had originally planned to leave it as a cliff hanger, you know the whole ‘is Alex dead or isn’t he?’ thing. Well, my conscience made me not but my evil side told me I should.

Anyway, I was talking to my friend who has been reading this story since I started writing it (can’t think of a better quality in a friend than to put up with all my ramblings!) and she said that I totally should have left it as a cliff hanger…so I did.

I have taken the end of the last chapter and put it in the beginning of this one!

If you’re one of the people who read the last chapter before I had gotten rid of the cliff hanger and don’t feel like rereading that half of the chapter, then just scroll through until you see this symbol: ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ (infinity seemed kinda appropriate since, you know, most of the characters in this book are immortal) repeated over and over again, that’s where you left off.

If you’re one of the people who were left wandering if Alex is dead or not…sorry…please stop glaring at me through your computer/smart phone screens! Blame titansfriend, she’s the one that talked me into it so send all the hate mail that way!

And with that, I will leave you to enjoy the story. Remember, it was titansfriend who did it, not me!


“Now let’s see just how quickly your own powers can kill you. I believe the phrase a ‘taste of your own medicine’ applies here,” She laughed bitterly, extending her hand over the Governess’s head, intending to make it hurt as much as possible.

“No one can save you now,” Miranda whispered, closing her eyes and preparing for the final moment. There was a time when this was what she wished for: the look of terror as the last moment of life left the face. Then the peace. But mostly terror. It had given her strength, power. She lived for the thrill. To know that she was responsible for it all, that she was a god. It was time she lived like that again.

But before she could release any more energy, she was hit by something from the side. Someone had hit her from the side and wrapped their arms around her.

“Stop it!” A viciously deep voice hissed in her ears.

Miranda released the Governess’s power in an explosion outwards with enough force to collapse a mountain. With a grunt, the figure holding her stayed fast, but he was weak.

Miranda screamed and kicked out behind her, connecting with shin.

“Miranda, stop! You’re better than this, you know you are!” Alexander screamed in her ear.

Miranda screamed, sobs escaping her throat in scratchy, desperate waves, “You’re dead! You’re dead!” Was all she could think to say as she fell to her knees, “I lost you.” Before she knew it, her body was shaking, screams of pure animal pain ripping through her throat, “I lost you again!”

“No, no,” Alexander whispered, moving around from behind her so she could see him, “Miranda, I’m right here. Look at me,” He said softly, cupping her cheek in his hand and gently moving her head to look him in the face, “I’m right here. I’m still with you.”

She stared into his eyes with wonder. He was still here. Still alive. He was okay.

Alexander watched carefully as Miranda’s sapphire eyes calmed down, the savage animal leaving them. But he knew that it was still there, still inside her.

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