What Beginner's Luck?

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“You ready?” Alexander asked seriously.

                “I guess,” Alycia answered nervously. Alexander had finally convinced her to swap the miniskirt for jeans, but she had compromised by making those jeans really short shorts.

                DJ scoffed. While he did not hate Alycia, he hated the fact she was living with them. He felt like Damien was trying to replace Miranda, make them in a group of three again; add a girl to them. It also didn’t help that the fact she was with them was preventing them from leaving and meeting up with Miranda.

                The three were in a field, just out of town so they could teach Alycia in peace. DJ, who Alexander said was needed, was sitting to the left of Alycia in the grass, boredly fiddling with the grass. Alexander was in a black T-shirt and his leather jacket accompanied by military-style black pants. Alycia was in yet another one of her tight shirts, this one was plain red.

                “It’s going to be okay,” Alexander reassured, his grey eyes staring deeply into hers. Her eyes were an alarmingly piercing shade of green, it was hard not get lost in them. Particularly now since she was nervous and light energy was escaping from her, her aura glowing silver and her eyes shined, too.

                “I’m ready,” She announced, determined.

                “Okay,” Alexander said softly, still staring into her eyes, before stepping back, “You might like to tie your hair back,” He suggested.

                “Why?” Alycia asked, but when she didn’t get an answer she sighed, “Do you have any string?”

                Alexander shook his head, so did DJ when she turned to him.

                “Fine, I’ll do it myself,” She sighed. Quickly, she gathered up all her shoulder length, platinum blond hair behind her head and wrapped her hands around it, closing her eyes. Curious, Alexander walked around behind her and watched her hands. After a few seconds, she let go of her hair. When her hands left it, there was a thin band of light holding it in place. After a couple of seconds, the light faded and turned into a normal black hairband.

                “What did you just do?” Alexander asked, walking back around to face her.

                “What? Was I not supposed to do that? I didn’t have anything else to tie it up with,” She cried defensively. To her left, DJ stood up and took a few steps closer, he was curious about what had just happened, too.

                “No, it’s alright, you’re fine. Just tell me what you did,” Alexander reassured.

                “I…I changed my glamour. Why? What did I do wrong?”

                Alexander sat on the grass and gestured for her to do the same, “Tell me about your glamour.”

                “Um…okay,” She said, sitting down and immediately starting to play with the grass, “Well, you saw my true form, that’s what I really am. But, I can move the…er…light beams with my mind to make any shape I want. Then, I can add skin, or clothes, or whatever I want. I can basically…shapeshift. Yeah, I guess that’s what you’d call it.”

                “Really?” Alexander asked, “When you’re putting up the glamour, can you keep the light from turning into something for a time?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Well, what you did just then, that light turned into a hair band a couple of seconds after you let it go. Does that happen automatically, or do you make that happen?” This was going to be hard. How was he supposed to train her in her powers if he didn’t know what they were?

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