Fighting the Impossible

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Helloz peoplez!

                Just wanted to quickly explain about the last chapter. It was before DJ contacted Alex, sorry the time-line got a bit screwed up, but I had to get a bunch of stuff into the one before it. Sorry!

                Anywayz, I had a weekend away (and an INSANELY long trip to get there!!) and my social studies homework was just way too boring to cope with (I mean seriously, there are only so many Renaissance painters I can read about before ripping the pages of the book and throwing them at someone!) sorry, went a bit crazy there…anyway, I’ve been writing like crazy, so here are a three brand new chapers!

I’ve been trying to post this and the next chapter for a while, but I’ve been away and having issues with my wifi (nooo!!!!). Please let me know what you think of Jessica!

                Serioiusly, if you people don’t start commenting more, I may just kill a character off! *evil laugh!*

                ….okay….maybe not….I’ve got the whole story planned out, which is weird for me since usually I just right random words down that somehow magically turn into a story…maybe I’ll introduce a character just to kill them off so I don’t have to worry about the awesome plot I’ve got planned out….. hmm….maybe…. (hahahaha I’m evil!)….no….urg! I’m too nice! Now I feel guilty for even thinking of killing off a character in a story! And their just figments of my imagination!

                Anywayz, while I have a mental break down, here’s the new chapter……


‘DJ? DJ? You still there? Listen, could you give me any idea of where you are?’ Alexander asked desperately the second he crossed the barrier into the town. He had taken a few minutes longer than he wanted because a sports car and a big Toyota nearly ran him over in their haste to get out of the town. It had taken him a few minutes to find the bike again and then unbend the metal in the wheel.

                ‘Uh…sorry…no. Look, it’s a DV, Dark Vampire. I’m okay now, I’m hiding in some family’s basement. It’s trying to get in, but can’t. I’ve lost all my equipment. I can probably find it again, but…there’s no way I can take this thing. It can teleport!Came the reply. Alexander sighed, he sounded a lot better. Perhaps he was just tired the first time.

                Pulling the bike to the side of the road, Alexander closed his eyes, ‘Okay, let me think. How is a DV even alive. They should be dead. I don’t even remember fighting them that well.’

                ‘Oh come on! You can remember everything I’ve ever done wrong, you have a photographic memory for everything and you can’t remember how to fight a DV?! I thought you fought in the Wars!’

                ‘That was a long time ago!’ Alexander snapped, them quieted down and mumbled, ‘And memories got a bit distorted since then.’

                ‘Okay, well let’s think. Basic stories, DV’s have been in fiction for               ‘Okay, well let’s think. Basic stories, DV’s have been in fiction for years we just have to fight them like it says in the books. So, you’re the avid reader….what do we do.’

                Alexander snorted, ‘I don’t read that kind of story, DJ. Just let me think. Okay, can you see it?’

                On the other side of town, DJ looked up at the leering face out of a horror story. It was staring at him through the small-ground level window to the basement. DJ had to break it to get him himself, but the Dark Vampire couldn’t cross into the residence of a currently-living mortal. That fact didn’t stop the creature from scratching and biting at the invisible barrier, though, ‘Um…you could say that.’

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