Desperate Times

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait, I typed this and a bunch of other chapters up and was half way through editing them when my computer crashed! It still isn’t working and I didn’t have time to make a back up drive, so I’m kinda stuck. Anyway, I’m now borrowing a lap top since I’ve given up on my computer L. I just wanted to get this uploaded so you wouldn’t get too made at me, so sorry if there are a bunch of errors! I haven’t had a chance to proof read!

Anyway, now I’m at a karate tournament for my brother, so I’ll have a bunch of free time (but there is a spa next door so don’t expect me to do too much!!!). Anyway, I won’t talk too much, here’s the next chapter!



                “DJ, what happened?” Alexander demanded as he pushed through the branches to find his best friend curled up on the ground with Alycia standing over him looking worried and confused.

                “He isn’t talking,” She explained desperately.

                Alexander crouched over him and examined his wounds. There was a small fist sized hole in his shirt that blood was slowly seeping through. He was losing color in his skin; the blood was flowing freely from him, and his lips silently moving to words he couldn’t quite say.

                “How did this happen? Where’s the Dark Vampire?”

                “It’s dead. It took us by surprise. DJ stabbed it while it was biting him, and I finished it off, but he looks really bad…”

                “Where did it come from?” Alexander asked, moving a rock next to DJ’s head and tenderly lifting up his head to put it on the rock.

                “Well…err…the same way as you, that way,” She pointed into the deep woods Alexander had just come out of, “What were you doing there?”

                “What?” Alexander asked standing up and looking for some big thin leaves.

                “How did you come from that way? That’s deeper into the woods? What were you doing there?” She demanded, watching him nervously.

                Alexander sighed, he didn’t have time for this, he had to act quickly and get DJ out of the woods before his blood attracted more Dark Vampires, “I’ll tell you later, okay?” He found some freshly fallen leaves that would work, grabbed them, crushed them into a wad, and pushed them into DJ’s shoulder. DJ cried out in pain, but quickly stopped.

                “Okay, we have to get him out of here. No chance you have a car is there?” Alexander asked hopefully, already knowing the answer.

                “No. Why don’t I stay here with him while you go and get a car?” Alycia suggested.

                Alexander shook his head, “No, we can’t do that. Not with this much blood. We have to get him as far away from the woods as possible as quickly as possible.”


                “Because there’s a camp of Dark Vampires not too far from here and if they all smell the blood them we’re pretty much dead.”

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