MDM Chapter 25

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Third Person P.O.V

"WAAAAA!" Luna cried, she was an emotional drunk.

"Look at the pretty stars..." Gale mumbles, her eyes spinning. She was a sleepy drunk.

"GET ME MORE BOOZE!" Nova yelled, since she was the angry drunk.

"HAHAHAHA!" Rosemary the giggly drunk laughed.

"Let's play Luna..." Sylvia was an affectionate drunk.

"Why didn't we think this through?!" Rin exclaimed.

"I said get me *hic* more booze!" Nova yelled throwing a bottle at Rin.

"Luna why the hell are you crying?!" Storm yelled.

"Don't *hic* yell at me!" Luna sobbed.

"Wake up Gale." Nash mumbles shaking her.

"Mmm *hic* no..." Gale mumbled.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! *hic*" Rosemary laughed.

"Calm down..." Ryujji mumbled.

"Hey, hey *hic* Reiki, I wanna play." Sylvia mumbles tugging on his shirt.

Reiki blushed. "W-What kind of play?" He asked a bit scared.

Reiki's P.O.V

Shit... Why did let the woman drink the booze?

I was too busy in thought that I didn't realize Sylvia was still tugging on my shirt, until I fell. And I fell on top of her.

"S-Sorry." I panicked.

"Why are you on top of *hic* me? Do you want to do something to me...?" She asked a bit seductively. I blushed harder.

"N-No! You were pulling on my shirt so I ended up-" I was cut off by her kissing me. Her breath smells like sake... Why am I kissing back? She won't even remember this!

Sylvia soon pulled away. "Can you purr for me Reiki?" She asked.

"P-Purr?" I asked.

She nods. "Like a kitty. You're my kitty so purr." She says.

"No." I said, trying to be confident but that failed... I don't get it around her I always stutter and mess up what I mean to do...

"Fine then let me purr for you." She made me sit up and she got in my lap and started purring. I blushed intensely.

Rin's P.O.V

How do I get Nova to calm down?

"I said I want more booze!" Nova shouted.

"Nova please calm down..." I said.

"Maybe *hic* or maybe we could have a little fun." She smirked, I gulped and blushed.


My Daughter's Mute {Next Generation Book AU Book} {Sequel To She's Mute}Where stories live. Discover now