"Don't do that to her, I've done that before, pretending to like her will fuck everything up." Joe frowns.

"It doesn't help that I have a crush on Simon too." Harry admits. Joe's eyes widen, as if to say mate your in a tricky situation, which he was.

"That sucks." Joe says.

"Honestly though, I think you should fantasise about someone that isn't Simon, I know he's cool and all that, and that's what everyone loves about him, but if you get to know him, he is many levels of fucked up."

"I'm trying to get over him," Harry shrugs.

"Your very lucky you have Caspar, you guys seem so sweet together, plus you guys are lucky you get no hate."

"They get hate," Zoe buts in, "But it died down, it mad mostly from the girls so in love with them finding out their years of love for them went all downhill." Zoe laughs.

Harry chuckles too.

Joe stands up and so does Harry. "Come on Zo." Joe pulls up Zoe as they walk down the street.

"I don't know if I can look at dad the same." Joe admits.

"Do you guys wanna hang out at my house for a while, that way you don't have to face your dad just yet, no one is home, trust me."

"Sure," the reply in union.

They all walked to Harry's house, in some ways it was a bit awkward, Harry was aware that Joe now knew everything about him, and he was scared Joe would say something, but Zoe wouldn't let him would she?

They got to his front door and he opens it up as they walked upstairs into his bedroom, Zoe had never seen his house before, and it was so much more better than what they had, his bedroom was so much bigger than hers, and their house looked so much more cleaner.

"Nice room," Joe comments.

"It's not very you though," Zoe states.

"It's fine I guess, I don't care that much about it," he shrugs it off.

He opens up the window to get some more warmness in his room, as today was a day were the sun had actually decided to appear.

"You live in the busy side of town," Zoe laughs.

"Yeah, every weekend I hear and see all the drunks and party goers strolling down the street," he replies.

"Why don't you go out," Joe asks.

"I'm not that kind of person, I prefer to watch people than actually be those people."

"You're a people watcher?" They both question.

"Yeah, in fact, this is were I first saw Simon, I was sat outside on the roof, staring down when I noticed him, and then I realised that I liked him, at the time we hadn't spoken and I didn't know his name, but I was sure fascinated by him."

"It's like a love story," Zoe smiles.

"It's far from one. He likes girls, I like guys, that doesn't really work."

"Maybe he likes guys."

Joe raises his eyebrow up. "Zoe, Simon is known for being a total player, not once has he hooked up with a guy, he only hooks up with girls, does that not confirm his sexuality."

"You dated girls to try to stop yourself from being gay!" Zoe replies.

"Yeah but Simons different, Simon is a lady's man, he punched a guy out for calling him gay, does that not tell you enough about him!" Joe shouts.

"Just saying," Zoe rolls her eyes.

"Saying false information," Joe laughs as he ruffles her hair.

"How much do you guys know about Simon that I don't?" Harry questions, he wanted to know more about him, seeing as he didn't know that much.

"We know a bit, what, you wanna know more about him?" Harry nods.

"Simon Minter, that's his last name, he's born on 7th September," Joe starts.

"That's boring information, your so bad at this, tell him information that's actually somewhat decent, jeez Joe, your so dumb."

"Simon and his 2 pals changed schools since they were kicked out, Simons actually a year older than us, he stayed back a year, he's not the most innocent person in the world, he can fight pretty well, he's very protective over the guys as well, he has siblings, but he doesn't keep contact with them for some reason."

"We don't know where he lives, but he lives somewhere in the darker parts of town, so no ones really goes there, it's not worth it, those scumbags just steal your stuff."

"He's a pretty private person to be honest, he doesn't say much about his personal life, he never talks about his mum or dad, he likes to keep that to himself, which is fine, but he was a huge mess at his last school. He used to be a real bitch, he was a bully, but he is trying to change, but won't put up with shit."

"In other words, he's totally not your type," Joe buts in.

"Yeah, he's to much for you Harry, he's a smoker also, and that's gross, I don't like that one bit."

"I think he has an alcohol problem," Joe says.

"He does, have you seen him, before he moved here for good, every time he used to visit he would bring like 20 bottles of vodka, he would be smashed, then he would just crash at a hotel."

"How did you guys know him before they moved."

"Caspar used to go to their school, when he moved here and Joe starting to date him, they used to come round to visit Caspar, and we all became friends."

"I think his dad owns the hotel."

"Really?" Says Zoe.

"I think Casp said that once, I'm not sure though, since he's never mentioned it."

"Whatever, Simons just a little weird, he's always been like that, Harry I think you should try your best to get over him, he's not at all good for you, your to sweet to be with someone like Simon."

"I'll get over him, I've already faced that," he replies.

"Have you faced the fact you have to tell Ashley about your sexuality?" Joe asks.

"Fuck no."

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