He turned off into another street that just had to have people in it. They all looked over at the car chase and more screams filled my ears. The guys behind us started shooting again but this time, with Kale's swerving, some bullets flew towards the crowds of people and they started running or ducking.

"Kale get away from the people!" I screamed.

"I'm trying to get away from these bastards"

"Find a not so busy street!"

"Miami is busy sugar"

All of a sudden another Suburban blocked our path and my panic increased. The person in the passenger seat pulled out a gun and my heart stopped again. But they didn't shoot us, they gave us time to swerve around the large car and let us stop next to it. I was about to yell at Kale and ask why he would stop the car at this point in time but I quickly looked at the Suburban that was next to us when I heard shots being fired. The person shot two bullets at the other Suburban's tyre's causing it to screech to a stop. Then they shot another two at the people in the front seat.

My mouth ran dry when I saw the bullets cut through the glass and into the chests of the two men. Blood spilled out and splashed against the broken glass. I made a sound at the back of my throat and stared incredulously at the Suburban. Moments before they were on the verge of flipping the Lamborghini over, now they were immobile, dead. I put a hand to my mouth in horror.

Kale cursed out loud when he heard the sirens of Police and started the engine of the Lamborghini. He looked out where we could see Alec and a few other guys get out of the car and walk to the motionless guys in the Suburban. Alec looked behind at us and gave us a brief thumbs up before turning back. Kale nodded his head even though Alec wasn't looking and reversed out of the bloody scene.


"Alec didn't have to kill them!" I yelled once Kale and I were back in the basement. Sadistic guy and a few others were there and they were staring at the both of us with amusement. Although, I didn't find two dead guys, funny. Wether they wanted to kill me or not.

"They were a threat to us" Kale said in a cool tone. Emily had gone with Alec so I had to bandage Kale's arm. It was a struggle to pry the bullet out of his arm and it was really gross. Kale had to of swalled half a bottle of vodka during that procession.

"Couldn't he of just shot the tyre's and left?" I allowed my voice to lower.

Kale shook his head. "They would still find a way to come after you-" He winced when I 'accidentally' applied too much pressure while I wrapped the bandage around his arm.

"Oh how damn sweet" Ice coated my voice. Alec had no right to kill them, they were after me, not after them. All Alec had to do was slow them down.

He didn't even respond to what I said. Instead, he looked at the guys and spoke to them with a voice that told me he was more interested in talking to them at the moment. "Those guys were after Avery and Alec managed to only kill two, they are going to want to find her even more now and are wanting to take revenge on us"

"What's the plan then?" A very familiar voice spoke. I turned to see Mr. Cold had walked in.

"I don't know but we need to get out of the state" Kale took his phone out. We needed to get out of the state? Oh hell no.

"We're going to have to move closer to Derek" Sadistic guy said. Closer to Derek meant being closer to Austin. Oh hell yes.

"We'll see" Kale said just before he brought the phone up to his ear. "Actually" He mumbled before putting the phone on the table and pressing the speaker button.

Infamous Gray (Sequel to NLOA)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora