More books!

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Hey guys I've also started another book that I've been writing for a while but I haven't had the chance to copy it on wattpad. Now just because I published another book does not mean that I'm giving up on the one. I know you guys think that I don't post often but it's not my fault! Seriously I don't have Wifi, Cable, Netflix, Crave TV,  or a phone. I have nothing but movies. So I post when I can. Love you my little Roses! 💟 

P.S my new book is called: The Underground City

I've copied the description down below.

Sarah is a normal 15 year old girl, at least she thinks she is. She was living in the now destroyed New York, when a devastating earthquake caused by a special, someone with intense powers or affinities destroyed everything making it impossible to live in the goverment built there cities underground. where they keep these special, teaching them to control there powers, when Sarah was captured by the night trackers. she is brought down to the underground cities, only problem is they wiped her memory and she has no idea what she has been doing for the past 15 years. why would they do this, did she learn something she wasn't supposed to know?

Also if any of you have a good cover pic you think would be good for this that's perfect, I will mention my email in the book and maybe you could send me it, it must have the title on it, have something to do with the book and my username. If you want to mention on the pic that you donated/created it feel free, but make it of proper proportions.

Thx guys, my email is: 
Though  I've been having a little trouble with the Gmail update, though personally I just think my tablet doesn't like me. 😜

Once again love you lots my faithful Roses 😙

This book is about epic Disses to say to your friends or those who aren't your friends..... go to my profile to check it out, and if you don't know what ships are(the ones were you want two people to get together) Then some of the stuff I write won't make sense. Sorry😅

For fairy tail fans only
Hey guys I've started to other books as well, it's a fairy tail texting book and fairy tail truth or dare. Check it out fairy tail lovers!

Current mood:😳😧😪

You should totally check out this cool writer BookLover6875
She is totally amazing! How she crosses harry potter and percy jackson so well I will never know!

And Then There Were Two (ON HOLD)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu