Chapter 9: ???

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                                     (written in third person)

"I don't care what is happening over there, what I want you to do is to get your butt over here!" A brown haired woman yelled at the crystal ball with a man's face in it. "I need you here to pick up your devil spawn of a child." She stated loudly, the man on the other end of the crystal answerd with a smirk. "You see I would, but I can't step on the holy ground you call home. Plus I'm dealing with a major surgery in a few minutes so, sorry but deal with it, I'm sure it will be fine. After all if they look like me or my brother they can't be too much trouble."

The brown haired blue eyed woman sighed in disappointment as the crystal ball went black and shattered. "I hate my job" she muttered to herself quietly as she got up and walked out a white door. She had been dealing with capturing the Devils children who were running wild on earth, causing chaos on every corner, and returning them back to hell to the demon lord for weeks now. They would usually only see one every year or two but seven in four weeks is two many.

But he wouldn't take them back saying that they were tainted, or coming up with a really lame excuse, making her angels hard work pointless. But this one pushed her to the limit. One of her angels had to have her wings removed because they were so damaged. And everyone know wings can't be replaced, no matter how much magic you use.

"If he isn't careful this will start a three way war" she continued to mutter to herself as she paced up and down the hallway. She changed directions as two guards walked past the temple, her temple.

"I need a day to myself, maybe watch Fairy Tail all day on Netflix." She sighed as she hit herself repeatedly in her mind. "Stupid you know you can't have a day off you haven't had one since 190 years b.c (before christ).

Needing a minute to herself she changed her outfit with a wave of her hand, into something more comfort, jeans and a t-shirt and went for a flight around the Temple.

The woman's flight was short lived as the crystal sphere clasped to her wrist, also known as her mobile device, began to vibrate.
She tapped on the ball and watched as the head guards face came into view, "yes what do you need?" Sounding a bit annoyed. "Pardon me for calling your personal device but it's a emergency, the demons we had capture just vanished into thin air!" He said with panic in his voice "don't worry Derek that means they have returned home for now" she answerd politely as she smiled down at the sweet guard, "oh, alright sorry for disturbing you." He said sounding embarassed "it's ok Derek thank you for telling me,"

"of course Queen Mary, oh and the girl has arrived."

I know really short chapter but to be fair my roses I did publish three things this time! Also over 45 reads yeah I'm sooooo happy I could cry or eat a lot of chocolate.😂😂😈😇

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