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Hey guys I know most of you have probably read the bloody chapter but for those few people who didn't and decided to skip here's the short version. Also even the people who read the last chapter should read this part it will make a lot more sense if you read it as well THX MY LITTLE ROSES--Red Reyne

Car crash, yes that's what I was in. I watched as my best friend suck the soul out of someone. And my new friend get a sharp metal pole through the chest. My thoughts were still muddled as I went over what happened and climbed into the ambulance standing next to a barely breathing Jason. I watched in silence as I watched my new friend die. I watched as he stopped breathing, I felt wet tears run down my face, but my expression never changed. I slowly reached my hand out to he now dead Jason, I held his hand and cried. I watched as white smoke slowly left his body. White smoke that no one else seemed to notice. But the second I touched the smoke, it absorbed into my skin. I felt Jason's spirit pass through my body and out of the hand that was holding his. I saw as his spirit was absorbed by his now still body. I watched as his chest wound closed a little to make sure he didn't die again.Then he opened his eyes. They were no longer only a bright green they now had a bright circle of orange-red fire coloured flames around his pupil which slowly faded to a yellow, then to his bright green around the edges

I went over the memory trying to figure out what had happened exactly. Luna was in surgery at the moment, during her x-rays they had discovered she had a couple of large glass shards under her skin. But what had them stumped was how it got there in the first place. I was waiting for her to get out so I could get my glass out of me. I covered my right eye with my hand trying to see out of the left. It was no use I was now blind in my left eye. According to the doctors it looked like a milky white and seemed to be almost glowing. Because I was waiting in the hospital wing for my surgery I wasn't aloud to leave because the second Luna was done I had to go in to get mine removed.

I watched in silence as they brought Jason out of another room rushing him into the room across from Luna's. He didn't look as pale as the last time I saw him, then again the last time I saw him he was dead.

I heard a shrill voice call my name and I looked up, coming down the hallway towards me is my mother,Luna's mother and Jason's mom. I was tackled with hugs before the nurse beside me said something. "Uh excuse me miss but she is about to go into surgery and we don't want her moving at the moment might push the glass further into her body." I swear I had never seen so many women so angry and terrified at the same time.

I politely told them with my eyes to sit down. We sat in silence I really wasn't in the mood for answering questions. I turned my head back to Luna's room as I heard a beep. A red light flashed and out came Luna unconscious but ok. I stood up quickly and walked fast with the gurney, against my nurses wishes. I just needed to make sure she was all right. Aside from being unconscious and a little pale she seemed all right. I tried to go to her room but was stopped by the nurse. "I'm sorry but we have to get you fixed first" he said regretfully, I nodded as if I understood. But to be honest I barely heard him.

I followed my nurse back as I was given a hospital gown to wear for surgery. I put it on with a grimaced after taking my clothes I climbed up on the gurney the nurse gave me a small smile that slowly turned into a grimace. I looked over his face he looked familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen him before. I watched in what seemed to be slow motion as he walked over with the anesthetic. I watched in silence as I watched him stick the needle in my arm slowly pushing the medication into my body. As I slowly faded away into unconsciousness I could have sworn I saw his eyes turn a bright fire red.


I expected that when I woke up I would have stiches and be in a hospital room. No, I guess I haven't had my surgery yet so why am I in a fiery hell hole? I had absolutely no clue, slowly I began to see the rest of my surroundings, I realized I was on a slab of black stone in front of a throne room. At least I think it was a throne room. Then I got angry, just by looking at the Throne I felt extremely angry.

Then one by one creatures started to appear out of the shadows. Creatures with wings and messed up faces, looked at me as if judging what I was thinking about. I don't know why but, I should have been terrified should of been scared for my life. But looking at these creatures only made me feel calm and composed.

I slowly stood up and walked towards the Throne and sat down in it. It burned my skin the first few minutes but I didn't care. I saw the forms of these animal like creatures slowly bow to me. And it felt good to have power, to be in control. Until I felt a sharp pain on my lower right side. I lifted up my shirt to find two D'S tattooed on my skin, the way the were conected made me think of the movie Daredevil.

I raise my head to the now chanting crowd trying to hear what they were saying, when I finally heard what they where saying, I wish I hadn't. Devils Daughter is what they were saying suddenly terrified I ran to the black slab stone but slipped on the stairs and hit my head, I watched as the things crowded around me and the world faded into black.


Thx guys this chapter is for RidingInTheWoods one of my favorite writers. And a thank you to my friend Fallingsnow212 for giving me this awesome idea for this book I promise I'll write more often it's just I only get Internet at my dads and I live with my mom soooooooooooooooo yeah bye love all you Roses.-Red Reyne

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