Chapter 11: he's awake

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Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are into the double digits, I know this excitement should have hit me last chapter but now it feels real. Believe it or not but I only started this book On August 7 2016. That was only 2 months 5 days ago. Thats alot of writing for only 2 months. I'm so excited I can't wait till I get alot of people reading. Love you my Roses hope you like this chapter! Remember I'm counting on your complaints, it's what makes my writing better. The only reason I side two months of writing is because that is when I finished this chapter but I haven't had the time to publish it for a while we're getting ready to move


I looked over in alarm at Luna she looked absolutely terrified. I mean the new look was awesome, but what the heck happened one minute she was Luna, the next she wasn't. Everything happened so fast,  three nurses rushed in with concern plastered on their faces. Two of them ran over to Luna and held her down while the other stuck a needle in her arm and pushed the liquid into her body.

She took a minute to calm down, but them she closed her eyes and I panicked I didn't understand what was going on maybe it was the drugs being pumped threw my system or maybe I just was confused but I started to hyperventilate.

The nurses started to leave when one turned around as if sensing my panic and said something to her colleagues, I think the panic was messing with my hearing because I couldn't hear a thing. The world was getting a little black at the edges of my vision. I didn't really see or hear anything until I felt a pinch in my upper right arm.

The world got really quiet and I felt a strange sort of calm come over me as my eyelids became really heavy. All I really felt like doing was going to sleep. As my eyes closed I found that I could just not get to sleep, I opened my eyes to find I was in the same place, everyone had gone and Luna was still asleep so I figured I would know sneak away. I mean I felt fine, so I just kinda snuck out.

I walked down the hall alredy dressed in my own clothes.
(I had woken up before Luna after our surgery and I changed out of the bloody hospital gown the second I was aloud to get out of bed and go to the washroom)

Anyway, I was walking down the hallway, I guess it must've been really late because there wasn't alot of commotion. I turned around a corner I passed a door that was left slightly open. I heard a low moan as I passed it. I turned around trying to see what had made the noise but I couldn't see through the crack between the doorframe and the door.

So I kinda went crazy and snuck into the room, and they say curiosity killed the cat, more like it killed me. What I saw shocked me, it was Jason trying to sit up but was obviously struggling with it. And me being who I am forgot that I wasn't supposed to be here gave up my cover and spoke. "Stop doing that your going to hurt yourself more." I said sounding a little more annoyed than I wanted to.

The minute he heard me he froze and glanced around the room until his eyes landed on me. "Hey," a soft voice that sounded like velvet spoke. It took a minute to realize he was talking to me. But when I did, I got my feet to work and I slowly made my way to the side of his bed.

"You know your pretty good at the almost dying thing, you should consider it as a career." I spoke light heartedly, "I mean first you get thrown out of the front of a car, then you get beaten up by a drunk guy with a metal stick and on top of that you fall off the top of a car straight onto a sharp metal rod that went straight through your chest. The doctors say it's a miracle your alive." I say as tears slowly crept into my eyes. "Woah, stop right there. You can't cry, seriously I don't know how to deal with people who cry!" He said with a bit of panic in his voice. Unexpectedly, I started laughing. "Really after going through all that, your scared of a few tears?" I asked trying to control my laughter. "Don't laugh it's not funny" he did only to start laughing to.

But the fun stopped when Jason started coughing and a little blood splattered the sheets, he winced in pain as he tried to slowly lay back down. I instantly filled with concern and got up to wipe some of the blood away from his mouth. "Don't strain yourself I'm positive that if you had a heart attack and died right here, you mother would be very disappointed in you for dying the easy way." I stated, smiling a little. "What, I hardly call dying of a heart attack going the easy way." He said with a look of fake disbelief on his face. "Well, after almost dying four times after being stabbed through the chest, yes a heart attack would be the easy way." I said while a smile, that slowly turned into a frown.

"Don't do that again, okay." I said quietly, "cause you scared the crap out of me." I slowly sat down on the edge of his bed. "My god you are a sappy person, we only known each other for like, what a day?" "Actually about a week and a half cause you and I were going through alot of surgeries this week."

"Wow I guess I have to get to know you better then huh?" Jason said with a smile, "so what do you like to do?" He asked. "I like gymnastics, dancing and reading I also lik-" "wait you like to read what's your favorite book?" He asked interrupting me, I rolled my eyes at him, thinking of my favorite book, "I think it might be the Throne of Glass by Sarah.J.Maas." I said as I thought of the first time I had read that book.

As I was thinking of that, I felt the top of my head getting warm. I reached up to touch it hoping I hadn't open my stiches and was now bleeding. Instead I got a opened mouthed Jason looking at me with a surprised face.

"What wrong, does your chest hurt? I'll go get the nurse." I stood up to page the nurse when Jason caught my hand. "No, I mean yes but no. It's your hair." "What's wrong with my hair?" I asked thinking of how Luna woke up with a different hair color. Jason, being shocked as he was didn't as were me I quickly got up and ran over to the bathroom turned on the light and gasped. It was like I was looking at a familiar stranger, as if I knew the person in the mirror but couldn't quite place where I had seen her before.

My hair which is a dirty blonde was now a silvery - white color, my eyes, which I always found were to small for my face. Somehow looked bigger and bluer than usual. I was.... I was beautiful, almost angelic like in a way I couldn't describe. I closed my eyes hoping that I wasn't seeing things and that when I opened my eyes there would still be the familiar stranger staring back.

Before I could open my eyes a voice interrupted my thoughts. "You can open your eyes now Rivenna. It's not going to go away."
I opened them to see the familiar stranger looking back at me. I looked around trying to find who had spoken. Only to see gorgeous boy with hair so black it looked blue, sitting beside Jason. I don't think Jason could see or hear him cause he was oblivious to everything going on around him. "Who are you?" I asked cautiously trying not to sound rude. "River who are you talking to" asked Jason wondering what the heck was happening.  "Can't you guess" the man said as he slowly turned around revealing a pair of white wings tipped with the color silver.
"Your a... your a ang-" "no sweetheart, I'm your worst daydream I'm not yours I'm his guardian," he said with a small country twang to it.

"And your one two."

Sorry my little roses for taking soooooooooooooooo long to post this I haven't been in a writing mood lately, I've been wondering if I should even continue to write this story or not, I would like to know your opinion on this, so plz comment about what you think I should do.......

*hides deep under ground as typing, puts armor on takes out sword, noise signaling the start of the Bookworms Purge* 😜😋😱


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