CHAPTER 6: Did I Do That?

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 WARNING: IF YOU CANNOT DEAL WITH A LITTLE BLOOD AND GORE I SUGEST YOU SKIP THIS CHAPTER I WILL POSTS A BRIEF SUMMARY FOR THOSE PEOPLE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER SO THAT THEY DONT MISS OUT ON ANYTHING Thx for reading my book my little roses (I think that's what I'm gonna call you from now on) hope you like the chapter let me know what u think  in the comments.--luv Red Reyne

After we got in the car River and I tried to get to know Jason.
"So Jason where have you been around the world?" I gave him a moment to think, and he answered "Well I've been in Europe,Washington,England,Detroit,Pennsylvania,California, Scotland and a whole bunch of others but I won't bother you with the while list or we'd be here till the end of June." He said laughing a little.

"Well, what was your favorite place?" Said River in a curious tone,
"I mean you probably don't have a favorite but which one would you rather be in in stead of here?" "Well........I think... I would rather be back at home in New York with my dad. I don't really get to see my dad, but he's my dad so....yeah.....I guess I would rather be there."

Just then noticed another car coming down the way, it was going way to fast and wasn't driving safe. It looked like it was about to turn the corner but swerved at the last minute and headed toward us.

I opened my mouth to scream or yell or...hell anything to make this stop, but it was to late we had already felt the inpact of the car. I think I saw Jason, or River fly out the front window. All I felt was the pain, my head hurt and when I lifted my hand to find out why, I found a giant glass shard sticking out of my forehead. My one leg was bent the wrong way but I couldn't feel it. It looked like it was broken. I started screaming, calling out Jason's name and River's too just to see if they were Okay. I didn't get a answer at first but then I heard a loud moan coming from behind me.

I turned my head slowly to see who it was. It was River at least it looked like her...sort of. Her face was covered in blood from the tiny cuts from the windshield her lip was split and her nose looked broken. I smiled though, at least she was okay. I slowly reached my hand out to touch hers in a great deal of pain. But when my hand touched hers, I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I opened my eyes to a bright red light that was slowly fading away. It took a minute to realize that the light was coming from me and River.

When I could finally see I was still in pain just not as bad. I looked up at River to see that her nose had stopped bleeding and was as good as new. She still had the tiny cuts but she looked less pale without her life's blood steadily dripping out of her nose. As I looked to check my self over I realized my leg was straight and looked fine. (Aside from all the glass shards inbedded in my skin.) As I slowly climbed out of the car I finally saw all the damage. Both cars were completely destroyed. There was alot of blood staining the side walk. Wait blood on the side walk. We were in the car how could there be blood on the side walk. As I'm trying to sort out my thoughts, I hear a thumping sound. It sounds sort of hallow but I hear coughing and wheezing to, as I walk around the car. I see the man who was driving the car standing over an already injured Jason, and beating him with a emergency brake.

I don't know how I did it. But my hands sort of had a mind of there own as I lifted and pointed them at the man. Before I could react I saw a white wispy smoke coming off of his body and surrounding my hands. When the smoke stopped he collapsed, not moving. I suddenly felt very dizzy and lightheaded. My vision kept on twisting and turning to fast for me to understand. The last thing I remember was River calling out my name as I fell into complete and total darknesss.



The first thing I saw when I woke up from the crash was Luna standing outside absorbing this white smoke from this drunk dude. All of sudden she started to fall I called out her name trying to keep her awake. But it was no use. As I climbed out of the car,I saw Jason lying on the road covered in glass and blood trying hard to breath.

I ran to him feeling wet tears trickle down my face. Not only do I not what's happening, but we had no way to....wait my iPhone. I pulled it out seeing a couple cracks from the inpact, hoping it was working I pressed the home button. And the screen stuttered to life. I quickly called 911 and gave them the address of where we are.

As I put my iPhone away I glanced back down at Jason he seemed to be breathing harder and a line of sweat appeared on his forehead. I ran over to the drunk man to see if he was okay, I pressed my fingers to his neck trying to find a pulse. There wasn't one.

I glanced back at Jason to see he was okay before running towards Luna. I soon found out she had just passed out. But I turned back around when I heard a groan coming from Jason's direction. I ran over to him seeing that he was trying to get up. I tried to stop him as he rolled off the hood of the drunk guys car. Falling chest first into a piece of sharp bent metal that went straight through his chest.

I screamed as I watched blood pour out onto the pavement.

Hey guys I'm sorry this is a short chapter but I thought it would be good to give you a cliff hanger for once. This chapter is for nutella5311 my best friend in the world, (even when we're in a fight) just thought you should know (this one sentence is directed to her) that you are beautiful and hope you are happy even if your happy is without me. Anyway *tear rolls down cheek* thank you my little Roses LUV you, vote if you liked this cliff hanger.

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