CHAPTER 2: first day of school

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I woke to mine and River's alarm clock going off at 7:30 am. Hey did she mention that our moms live together? Not that their married  its just that they really love each other in the sisterly way. They love each other so much they couldn't bear living in two different houses.

So me and River have shared a room since we were born. I mean it's cute and all but we have so much stuff it feels kind of cramped in our room. "GIRLS ARE YOU UP ITS TIME FOR BREAKFAST."

That would be Rivers mom she's the loud one my mom's the quiet one. River is the quiet one to I guess I'm the loud one too then. Huh funny that means we're the exact opposite of our moms. So I'm a summing that River told you that we're starting our first day of school today right.

River and I quickly got dressed and we're about to go downstairs before I stopped her."what's up with you we have to hurry if we want to get to school on time." She asked me with a worried look on her face. I rolled my eyes and got to the point.

"I know that but is that really what you want to wear on your first day of school?" She was wearing bright lime green capris and a purple sweater with a really stupid cartoon on it. She looked at me with a look that said so what "yes I am wearing this what's your problem" I looked at her and put the puppy dog eyes on.

"Please let me dress you I want us to make a good first impression on eveyone and if we look good it's like a double win!" She looked at me . I kept begging her with my puppy dog eyes. "Fine " she yelled. Yes score I was screaming in my head. I smirked at her as we went back into our bedroom so I could dress her.

I ended up dressing her in a cute dark blue t-shirt with waves on it and a light colored pair of ripped up skinny jeans. I also did her hair I brushed it so that the natural curls came out. (She doesn't like her curls so she straightens her hair all the time.)

But it's not like her hair is Uber curly it has really nice curls. Me, I'm wearing a light blue t-shirt with a small v in the front and a dark pair of ripped up skinny jeans. Me and her look like identical opposites if that makes sense.

Anyway when we're done we go downstairs to find our moms making pancakes for breakfast. We quickly sit down and eat. "So are you girls excited for your first day of school?"asked Rivers mom Brooke. (I know right river/Brooke both are sources of moving water.)

When I first found that out I laughed. "Sort of" I answer. She gives me a questioning look. I sigh and say "well we're excited but we are starting late in school and we don't know anyone other than ourselves and each other." I state there is no use hiding anything from River's mom she can sense a lie a mile away.

River looks up from the book she reading and begins to pack her shoulder bag with everything she'll need for school and some books for her to read. I get up to do the same thing when my mom yells at me to come help her bring in some boxes from the moving van. I go out and we do a few boxes until River comes out saying it's time to go.

I panic I didn't get to back my school bag or my lunch. I start to run into the house when River stops me. "Where are you going? Schools in the opposite direction" she looks at me like I'm crazy. "I have to get my bag ready!" I explain quickly "no point in doing that if I did it for you." She says as she hands me my shoulder bag packed and fully ready for school.

"Thanks" I tell her "no problem, now let's get going, we have to walk until the car gets here from Europe. (That's where we were living until about 6 days ago so the car is going to be transported here instead of having to buy another one.) "OK let's go then." I say we said goodbye to our parents (aka our moms) and left.

We were so nervous walking there we didn't talk. Trying to lighten up the mood I sang

" we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz because, because, because, because.....because of the wonderful things he does!"

By the end of we were both skipping and laughing so hard we had to stop we were laughing so hard. Once we finally calmed down enough to talk we looked up at each other and just started laughing so hard again. We continued walking to school still laughing even though it was not that funny.

I guess we were just trying to get the pent up stress that we had been holding up all week. As we got closer to the school we continued to crack jokes. We walk the front gate laughing so hard we're bending over holding our stomachs and crying that was how hard we were laughing. People looked at us like we were crazy! We were still laughing when this guy came running up to us with a concerned look on his face.

"ARE YOU GUYS OKAY!?" He practically screamed. He wasn't that bad looking. OK now it was our turn to look at him funny. River spoke up first "we're fine we were just laughing really hard,why?"
"It's just you guys just came in here looking like you were have synchronized seizures!" Seriously what's with the big words?

"OK then can I ask you who you are because we have to be at the office early so we're not late for class." I say a cool as possible because on the inside I was freaking out.

I mean me and River haven't had human contact other than our family in over a year.
The boy looked really embarrassed now, his face is turning red. He's  a little shorter than me and River but he's got that childish cuteness that makes up for him being short. He's got these adorable baby blue eyes and a head full of short brown hair that make his eyes stand out even more.

"Well I'm Jack and I'm the vice-president of student council." He's starting to shake he's so nervous. "Woah, dude you can relax we're not gonna kill you for being concerned about people." He seemed to relax a little at that.

"Well Jack I'm Luna and this is my best friend River do you think you could get us to the office for us?" He looked at us. "Stop treating me like I'm a 12 year old and sure I'll take you to the office. Hell I'll do better than that I'll show you the whole damn school!"

At this me and Luna just started laughing again and this time jack joined in. It's good to know we have at least one friend in this school.

Authors note: I'm not against lesbians, bi's or gays!
some of the best people I know are gay and lesbian.

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