CHAPTER 5: Forget me not

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We finished school quickly and walked home in silence. Me and Damien had exchanged numbers so we could call and text each other. Luna on the other hand kept going on about this girl named Amber-Lee and how she acted weird during English. I'm sorry, but after hearing her repeat the story three times I decided to change the subject.

"Luna, I know you like to share your opinion on things. But seriously I don't want to listen to you retell the story for the fourth time." I said with a little more venom then intended. What can I say, first day of school was very stressful. "Okay, okay I get that it must be boring listening to me, but cut me some slack okay. It was really weird." I rolled my eyes "no it was not, your just making a big deal out of it" I said angrily.

Luna's faced turned red. I don't know if it was from anger or embarrassment. "Oh yeah well if I'm making such a big deal out of it. The maybe you should just see if your boyfriend wants to hang out with you, because you obviously don't want to hang out with me." She yelled. "Fine maybe I will, then maybe I won't have to listen to your whining and complaining. Because it's annoying." I yelled back. Then I stormed off, heading towards the one place I wanted to be right now. The library

When I finally got to the library I ran inside to the top floor grabbed some fantasy books and went to my bean bag chair in the corner. I always loved how I got lost in my own little world while I was reading. Sometimes I forgot that I lived in the real world. If there was any place I wanted to be right now it would be inside the book I was reading. Only a little while later did I begin to process the fight we had had it was so stupid, but now I was begining to feel a little guilty at what I said. "But that doesn't make what she said any nicer, and Damien isn't my boyfriend!" I said to no one in paticular. Just then my phone started to ring it was Damien. Speak of the devil. I reluctantly answered it not wanting to really talk to anyone but the books.

"Hey River I was just wondering if you and Luna wanted to come hang out with me, Jack and Natalie at the fair this weekend?" I sighed well me and Luna were planing to go tomorrow anyway so "sure Damien I'll be their but I'll have to ask Luna."
"Really that would be awesome. Hey what are you doing right now?" I looked around and answered  "I'm hiding"
"Yeah me and Luna got in a stupid fight so I'm hiding out in the library." Just thinking about it made me sad.
"So where do you guys want to meet?" I asked hoping to change the subject. "How about we meet at the ferris wheel at ten." I smiled "that sounds great see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, bye" After I hung up the phone I got out of my beanbag chair and checked out my books.

When I got home I saw that my mom and Luna's mom weren't home. So I went inside and made me some mac and cheese. When I finished eating I went downstairs to the basement turned on some music and started to read.

It wasn't long before Luna found me. I looked up at her then back at my book and said "Damien wanted to know if we wanted to hang out with Jack, Natalie and him at the fair this weekend. I said I'd go but I told them I'd have to ask you." I said without even looking at her I herd her sigh dramatically, the joys of being best friends with a drama major. "Okay but I won't be able to be there until after two I have plans." She said coolly. I looked up "then don't bother coming" I said "because I'm meeting them at ten" she glared at me. "Fine then" I rolled my eyes "and Damien is not my boyfriend" I said she walked back up the stairs. She didn't answer but I herd her slam the basement door.

I have a feeling I just things alot worse.


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