CHAPTER 1: In the begining

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It all began before Luna or I were born. You see our mothers we're freakishly close best friends, on top of the they were angels. One day when they were on a mission for their high lady they met two very handsome high class demons. And that's where our story began.

One day two high class demons fell in love with two beautiful angels and together had two female children of destruction and peace, the most unlikely of friends, their choices alone would predict the death of thousands of people. Possibly the whole world. But what you don't know that they were not supposed to exist. The reasons angels and demons were forbidden to socialize was for the fear of creating such children. Because one simple toddler tantrum could tip the balance and we would be no more.


HI my name is River and my best friend Luna and I are celebrating our 17th birthday by moving. Yep,that basically all we do, move but, because our moms work together and they have to move around a lot so we are homeschooled.

However when we were twelve we convinced our moms to make a deal with us. When we turned 17 no more moving. We would get to go to school with other kids and if the place where our moms work didn't like the fact that they wouldn't move around anymore they would have to get new jobs.

With a lot of persuasion we managed to get them to agree. Tomorrow we are starting at our new school, our mothers being the freaks they are made sure we where in all the same classes.

"Hey Luna what do you think high schools like?" She looked up from her phone. Luna and I are complete opposites she's the really pretty,popular brunette she was always good at talking to people our age me on the other hand, dirty blonde,pretty but not as pretty as Luna.

She's the one who always goes out for something different like swimming with sting rays or skydiving me on the other hand I am a gymnastics kind of girl. So you see we are completely different.

"I really don't know River I really don't know" I waited a few seconds to see if she would say anything else, but she went back on her phone. Seconds later my own phone beeped. I turned in on typed my password to see who texted me.

And believe it or not but the person who was sitting right across from, who only had to open her mouth to talk to me was texting me. I was so proud of her. Luna"I don't know but I bet it will be fun" I texted back River "I hope it will be, you will have no problem fitting in, me on the other hand well..... where do you think I will fit in?" After reading that one she looked up at me with pain in her eyes, we had always been able to understand each other.

But now this just felt so real. She came over and gave me a hug and said "it doesn't matter if you can't find a group cause I'm your group" at the we started laughing. And crying because I had just read that line to her out of my favorite book last night.

What time is it?

"Wake up" someone hissed in my ear. I opened my eyes to see Luna standing over me. I glanced at the clock beside my bed, it read 2:07 am the exact time me and Luna were born. She usually wakes me up at this time because this is the time that we feel the most conected, we can say anything without anyone judging.

"River I'm scared" I looked up at Luna and saw real fear in her eyes. "Luna what could you possibly be scared of you have the looks, the brains and the great personality."

She looked so exhausted and defeated. "I know that but I'm still scared I mean we've already missed the first 54 days of school" I was shocked. "You've been counting the days?"she nodded.

"Haven't you?" Sadly I had to agree me and her had been both excited and scared of this day since we were twelve. "Do you think we'll meet any cute guys?" She asked cautiously. I rolled my eyes "You will for sure but me on the other hand......"

"I know , I know you don't do the whole liking guys dating thing."
She knew me to we'll, true I've liked a guys in the past but lately guys just weren't so important right now. I glanced down at the clock again.

It was 2:54 am we had been talking for over thirty minutes. Seeing what time it was I said " we should go back to sleep now, the last thing you need in the morning are black circles that make you look like you got into a fight and got punched in the face to many times and ended up having black eyes."

Her eyes widened "that would be horrible wouldn't it, looking like crap the first day of school!" At that we raced back to our beds and fell asleep almost immediately.


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