Chapter Thirty Six

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Sarah's POV - December 24th - 2018 - Melies first Christmas

Sarah's POV - December 24th - 2018 - Melies first Christmas

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My little Christmas Elf.  Ohhh she was so delicious.  H decided that our Christmas cards would be of Melie this year.  Such a little poser (just like her Dad  ha ha).  Cal had arranged for a friend of his to do the photos of Melie at our place.  Our living room was transferred into a "Winter Wonderland".  It was something quite special.  H and I had also joined in on the fun showering each other in fake snow, tinsel and fairy lights.  Melie of course sat on her Daddy's knee, pulling faces at each other.  They were cut from the same cloth these too.  She had inherited H's cheeky nature and love of life, she was his world and I pitied the boy that would eventually date our daughter.  Nothing but the best for H's Melie.  As I've previously mentioned he spoiled her terribly and I was powerless to stop.  I didn't argue I just let him do what he wanted to because let's be honest it wasn't like we couldn't afford it. 

We'd driven up to Anne and Robin's early to beat the traffic.  Gemmy was already there with her partner Michael and Des and Jo had also arrived.  Dee, Mike, Ella, Matt & Ben would be popping over later and Mike Harry & Gemmy's stepbrother would also be joining us with his family.  Christmas Eve at the "Twist/Styles" house was always filled with fun, laughter, drinks and amazing food.  

Anne and Robin would go all out having the house decked out with a beautiful tree and decorations.  Each member of the family had their own little bauble that was placed lovingly on the tree.  H helped Melie put her pretty pink one up as this was her first Christmas.  Anne then scooped her up from H bouncing her on her hip, Melie giggling at her Nanny as she took her out to the kitchen to make her a little warm milk with a hint of chocolate as we didn't want her bouncing off the walls.  I sat on H's knee, whilst he stroked my hair, occasionally giving me a kiss.  I loved this time of year, it was so special.  The only thing missing was my Mum.  It was hard being so far away from her.  I missed her terribly and felt myself getting a bit worked up.  My hormones were crazy all over the place again, the thing I liked least about being Pregnant and the slightest thing would set me off. H sensed there was something wrong, as a tear slipped down my cheek.  "Baby, what's wrong, here would you like some tea, angel"? "I just miss Mum H, it's Christmas and I was just reminiscing about all the amazing times I had with her and my brothers.  I hate being so far away sometimes".  His big strong hands wiping my tears away with his thumbs, I was brought in closer, a gentle kiss on the lips, his nose touching mine. "I know angel, I know, hey why don't we Facetime her hmm? See how she and the boys are".  I took out my phone and pushed the icon, settled on H's lap as we waited for her to pick up.  It was strange because she'd always answer.  She loved seeing Melie and would always look forward to our calls.  

I heard a knock on Anne's door as I pressed the Facetime Icon again, it was probably Dee and Mike.  Dee was such a bright spark and I loved the banter she had with H and Gem.  I slipped off H's knee to meet her at the door.  But it wasn't Dee and Mike. It was my Mum, with my brothers.  H had come out as well. Wrapping Mum in a huge hug and shaking my brothers hands whilst I stood there dumbstruck, tears streaming down my face.  "Surprise angel, Merry Christmas". 

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