Chapter Twenty Seven

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Authors Note 

Helloo family.  I do hope you are enjoying the story so far.  Now we come to the business end of things.  I have never been pregnant, have no idea what it like to give birth or anything like that.  My accounts are definately not an accurate representation of what happens I am sure.  

With that in mind please enjoy the next chapter as we welcome Baby Styles into the world.

Much love Sarah xx


Sarah's POV -  4th April 2018 

I was huge, sore, tired, a bitch and bloody over it.  My beautiful husband on the other hand was loving, kind, supportive and just a general bloody legend.  My god I owed him when all this was over.  "You want some tea baby, juice, water"?  "Love some water H, thanks babe, the bag of bones is thirsty but she's sitting on my bladder, I'm thirsty as but I'm peeing it out as fast as I can drink it".  A lovely big glass of water was brought to me on a tray with some Strawberries (my favourite) and some Melon my other favourite.  "Here you go angel, let me know if you want anything else, just going to put some washing on ok"?  A kiss placed on my head and a gentle back rub before he took off to do the washing.  Yip my husband was the best.  

 Mum was sitting beside me smiling.  "You are a very lucky girl Sarah, Harry has been so good to you and you've been less than appreciative of late".  It was true I had lost my shit at him a lot.  I was just so frustrated though. I didn't want to be that horrible pregnant person but I was.  I couldn't help thinking about the argument we'd had the other night. It was of course over something stupid. What we were going to have for dinner.  I'd taken out some leftover Pasta and made a quick salad as I knew H was going to be at the studio till later on that night.  

Flash Back 2nd April 2018

  "What are you doing home"?  "Umm thought I would surprise my beautiful wife with Dinner".  "Well I've taken out Pasta and made a Salad".  "We can have that tomorrow night babe, come on, wanna take my girl out for Dinner".  "Harry I'm huge, I'm tired and I don't want to go anywhere".  "Please angel, just wanna spend time with you".  "For fucks sake Harry I just told you I don't want to go anywhere, are you deaf or just stupid"? "Excuse me what the hell did you just say"?  "I said I don't want to go anywhere".  "No, no the part where you said was I deaf or stupid, why are you being such a bitch Sarah"?  "A bitch, well why don't you tell me what you really think of me yeah"?  "Well if you really want me to go there you've been a bloody nightmare this past week, you've been demanding to know what I'm doing, where I'm going".  "I need to know where you are incase I go into labour you arsehole".  "Oh so now I'm an arse hole, you know what, I'm going back to the studio, I'm not going to listen to this shit".  "Ohh that's right run away when the going gets tough, oh and while you are at it why not ring Kendall and bitch about me behind my back like you always do aye, don't think I don't know you do, I've seen her messages on your phone".  "What so now you're looking at my phone messages, how bloody dare you, that's private".  "What have you got to hide Harry, you fucking her behind my back, wouldn't be the first time you cheated would it".  "How fucking dare you, you're so out of line".  "Am I Harry, am I really, look me in the eye and tell me you aren't fucking Kendall Jenner".  "I AM NOT FUCKING KENDALL FUCKING JENNER, now if you'll get out of my fucking way I need to get out of here".

He'd left then, slammed the door and took off in a shower of gravel.  Left me in a heap on the floor sobbing my heart out.  I'd said such hurtful things, I don't think he'd ever forgive me.  I had to ring him, get him to come back.  I dialled his number and it went straight to voice mail. "Hey it's Harry, you know what to do".  I waited for the beep "I'm sorry baby, I, I don't know what came over me, please come home, I love you green eyes - bye".  I hung up then sent him a text "come home baby, I'm sorry for being a bitch, love you".  I could see that he read the text so I called him back he answered on the third ring  "Yes, what is it that you want".  He was angry and I deserved it.  "I'm sorry baby,  can you please come home so we can talk about this, I'm appalled at my behaviour Harry and I want to apologise". "I think its best that I leave you on your own for a bit, I'll be home later,  some things to do here at the studio, talk later" and he hung up.  I deserved that, but it still hurt, my handsome angry with me.

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