Chapter Thirty One

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Sarah's POV -  July 20th 2018

Time was going by so quickly and everyday I watched as Melie grew up.  Her own little personality beginning to show.  She could be stroppy at times but had the most beautiful cheeky smile that you couldn't stay angry at her.  She was a heart breaker that's for sure and was truly a "Daddy's Girl".  H would take her out in the front pack down to the park to feed the ducks and would often be papped.  We couldn't keep her a secret forever but I did want some type of arrangement where everyone wouldn't cash in on her face.  Yes, she was the daughter of Harry Styles Actor, Singer Businessman, but she was also just our Melie.  I wanted to protect her from that crap.  H and I had been approached by "OK" magazine for an exclusive photo shoot.  We had talked about it at great length and of course were absolutely against the idea.  I was well aware that everyone was wanting to see our precious wee girl.  

So H and I decided to do the photo shoot, the only one and then it would stop - there would be no more pictures of Amelia Rose Styles and if there was legal action would be taken.  The money for the exclusive was something else and we would be donating it to "Believe in Magic" which was the charity the boys were all involved in.  I hated the thought of my Melie being splashed all over a magazine but it needed to be done and then it would stop.  

The day of the photo shoot was insane. H was irritable and I wasn't in great form either as I was getting over a tummy bug.  Our little girl however was an absolute star.  Didn't mind getting changed into different outfits or being placed in between puppies and kittens and a huge bloody big teddy bear.  When it came time for H and I to join her she didn't want a bar of me, instead wanting to be cuddled by Daddy and bounced on his knee whilst she giggled her little head off. 

She soon grew tired and hungry so she was my best little friend then wanting her fill.   I took my shirt off, un-clipped my bra and settled in while my little one fed.  H then coming into his studio to sit with me.  "I'm sorry sweetheart" he started "I'm just not happy doing this, seems so wrong".  "I know baby" I replied back.  "I hate this too but let's hope it all stops now yeah, with the "No Kids Papparazzi Order with the Lawyers it should put this to bed". 

The photo shoot finally ended and the house was back to normal again.  We sat outside enjoying a little glass of wine.  I sat on H's lap whilst he stroked my hair and kissed me tenderly, our Melie in her little basket beside us.  "You know what baby"?  "What's that Harold"? I asked cheekily back, "these are the times that I cherish the most, you, me, Melie the cats, it's the best"  I had to agree with him.  "The Styles Clan" in their little bubble protected from all the bad stuff that the world had to chuck at us.  "Me too handsome" I replied back "I love this time just us its how it should be".  "Sarah Brown"  "Yes Harry Styles" I answered back with a cheeky grin "Will you Marry Me"?  His gorgeous green eyes dancing with mischief.  "Hmmm let me think, I don't know, can I give you an answer tomorrow"?  "My beautiful sassy girl, I love you baby" "and I love you Styles, so bloody much, forever and always".

Harry's POV - July 20th 2018

I fucking hated this shit.  My precious Melie, plastered over a fucking magazine. Sez and I had talked about this at length and figured it was going to be the only way to put all this shite to bed.  Do the exclusive, donate the money we were given to "Believe In Magic" and get our Lawyers to draw up a "Non Paparazzi Agreement for Children".  

The Photographer from "OK" buzzed at the gate intercom and I let them in (reluctantly) Sez was upstairs with Melie feeding her and getting her changed.  I called upstairs and she brought our little one down, all smiley (well Melie was) my poor girl had been sick with a tummy bug and I had been on Daddy and Husband Duty 24/7 for the past three days.  It was bloody hard and I was shattered.  I just wanted this over and done with.  

Melie was in her element posing like a rockstar, all coos and smiles.  Sez and I pushed to the side as she sat with a little puppy, kitten and a huge bloody big teddy bear.  It came time for us to join in and she didn't want a bar of her Mum, just wanted her Dad.  I was happy to oblige.  Yip it was true she was a "Daddy's Girl" and I bloody loved that.  I'd take her out in the pool with her wee arm bands and special floaty Donut that she put her wee legs through and I would hold her little arms and gently tow her round the pool.  We'd go out in the front pack to the park and feed the ducks and she'd clap her hands and laugh when the ducks ate the bread.  Lou, Tom and Luxy would sometimes come with us and afterwards we'd have Pancakes (I kept my promise to Luxy and every Sunday we continued our tradition).  Luxy was great with Melie.  The first time she was so in awe of her.  "Uncle Harry, Melie is very cute can I pretty please hold her"? "Of course you can sweetheart, you sit here with the pillow and I'll put Melie on your lap ok"?  I'd placed Melie gently on Luxy's lap.  It was so beautiful my big munchkin and my precious Melie, brought tears to my eyes. 

The photo shoot lasted a couple of hours and I could tell Melie was getting scratchy.  She soon wanted cuddles from Sez and a feed so Sez headed into the studio to take care of the hungry monster.  The crew wanted a couple of more shots of Melie asleep with Sez and I which wasn't an issue because as soon as Sez had finished feeding her she was out like a light.  We were instructed to lie down on the couch, Sez on one side, me on the other with Melie in the middle us both stroking her little head.  Steph the photographer showed us the reel of shots she had taken and I had to admit they were pretty good.  The last ones with Sez, Melie and I were beautiful as was the one where I was holding Melie in the air giving her a kiss and she was looking down at me. 

Then there was the other one

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Then there was the other one. The money shot as far as I was concerned,  my gorgeous little princess on her favourite blanket wearing her little owl hat that Gemmy had brought her.  It was too cute for words.  I was going to get that one printed on a canvas for Mum & Robin, Dad and Jo, Sal and Gemmy. Her gorgeous little face.  I was one proud Daddy.

We were given advance copies of the Magazine to give to our family and friends

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We were given advance copies of the Magazine to give to our family and friends.  I was pleased once it had come out then we were able to get the legal team on the order.  It was put through with urgency.  We were now covered and if anyone so much looked in my princesses direction (no pun intended) they would be facing legal action.  Sez and I were very clear about that.  My Melie did not ask for that intrusion and I wanted to protect her for as long as I could.  

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