Chapter Nineteen

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Harry's POV

Waking up beside my girl, her legs wrapped round me, snuggled into my chest, my wife.  We had had a beautiful day with our family and friends, sharing our special news about our dot.  Everyone was so excited and happy for us.  I needed to use the loo but I didn't want to wake my angel up.  I tried to slide out of  bed but without success as she began to stir.  "Where are you going husband"?  Her beautiful smile lighting up the room.  I leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips, "I need to go to the loo wife" I couldn't help but laugh as I don't think I'd ever get tired of saying that.  "Well hurry back then because I want you to bury yourself inside me again please".  She was so naughty and I loved it.  I walked round the bed shaking my bum at her as I went which caused her to shriek with laughter and try to flick me as I maneuvered out of the way.  

I used the loo,  washed my hands and made my way back to our bed, stalking my way up the covers and pouncing on my girl.  "Ohh hello my love".  She was so bloody beautiful and I wanted her then and there.  We had spent most of the night making love but fuck me swinging I needed her again.  She welcomed me in her arms, peppering kisses along my jaw which  I loved and would drive me wild.  I responded in the only way I could by taking her slowly and gently easing myself inside her.  We moved beautifully together loving each other, whispering I love yous before climaxing together.  We moved into the bathroom to shower, her loving hands massaging away at my shoulders whilst I rubbed her tummy.  I stopped for a moment, feeling a little kick.  "You feel that angel, our dot is kicking".  Her beautiful eyes looking up at me.  "I did honey, our little one must like it's Daddy washing Mummy's tummy.  We had reached our 12 weeks and Sez's tummy was growing by the day. I loved how round it was.  Watching my angel nurture our dot was one of the most beautiful things ever.  I'd continued to photograph her as each week passed.  I'd put the photos away safely as I wanted to do something special with them later. We finished our shower then made our way downstairs for breakfast to meet with our guests.

Sarah's POV

Our breakfast was delicious and it was lovely to catch up with our guests before we headed away for our honeymoon to the Maldives.  I left instructions with Gem and Lou as they were going to take turns looking after our furr babies.  I had my favourite munchkin come and sit on my knee and eat breakfast with H and I.  "Auntie Sarah, I am very happy that you and Uncle Harry are going to have a baby, it will be able to play with Sid and me when its born won't it?  I can teach it some cool games and we can colour together".  "It will Luxy Loo, I can't wait for our wee dot to meet you and Sid so you guys can play".  "Uncle Harry, will you still take me out for our special Breakfast on a Sunday"? Bless her wee heart.  It was a standard date that H had with Luxy on a Sunday.  They'd go out for Pancakes when we were in London.  "Come here munchkin, course I will, you'll always be my favourite Pancake girl, no-one will ever replace you sweetheart". "Well that's good because I just needed to know we was still going to do that".  H scooped her up and tickled her within an inch of her life.  Her gorgeous little laugh echoing over the great hall.

Time was ticking on and we needed to head to the Airport to catch the Jet it was a 10 hour 50 minute flight from Manchester to the Maldives.  Luckily H was an expert at packing and getting ready quickly so he packed for us and made sure we had everything we needed.  We farewelled our guests at the front of the Castle and headed out on the road towards Manchester.  H and I sat talking away remembering little moments from our special day, his hand in mine rubbing my thumb.  It was comforting and re-assuring. H had told me how the lads had insisted that he wear his "lucky boxers" which were the tattiest looking pair of underwear I had ever seen.  I had to laugh as H prided himself on looking "on point", to think he was wearing his holey old boxers under his beautiful Yves Saint Laurent Suit made me laugh.  He explained that they were the boxers that he wore at his X Factor Audition and every subsequent awards ceremony and they had always won. Who was I to stand in the way of superstition.  

We arrived at the Airport to a flurry of bloody paps.  We had expected it as the whole world seemed to know that we were getting married this past weekend (even though everyone was sworn to secrecy) god knows how they found out but they did.  "Harry what's it like being married"? "Sarah any plans for children yet"?  "Sarah who designed your dress"? "Is it true that Kendall tried to rekindle your romance in Munich Harry"?   I continued to smile although that last comment bloody hurt.  Photos of Harry and Kendall had been plasted all over social media and "The Daily Mirror" had published a particularly nasty article about Harry saying "he'd saught Kendall out and that the whole time we had been together he had been cheating on me. I knew of course this wasn't true but it still hurt non the less.  H was in talks with lawyers to sue the Daily Mirror for defamation of character.  Normally stuff like that just tended to be water of a ducks back for H but this had gone to far and he was sick of all the crap that made him look like a complete arsehole to me and to everyone else.

Paul and Dale met us at the Jet and H handed over the keys to the Range Rover so one of them could drive it back to Hamstead Heath for us.  Dale would be back to pick us up in ten days. "Have a good time you two, don't do anything I wouldn't do aye".  Paul was such a crack up. "Course not Pauly, you know me, butter wouldn't melt mate".  "Yeah well Curly you forget I've known you since you were 16 so all that comes out of your mouth is bullshit".  "Hey I'll have you know I'm a married man now so that automatically give me status pal".  "Yeah you keep telling yourself that H and one day we might believe it, Sarah love, he's all yours - good luck".  I couldn't help but laugh.  "Yeah I know Paul, starting to think I've made a mistake, he's such a high maintenance bugger, wonder if I can trade him in"?  "Oi minxy, watch it".  I was scooped up and smacked lovingly on the bum then peppered in kisses.  "Come on you we need to get on the jet".  H then picked me up again carrying me up into the jet then placing me gently on my seat.  "Why thank you Mr Styles, that was incredibly chivalrous of you".  "For you my princess nothing is a bother, now put your seatbelt on and buckle up, we've got a long flight ahead of us". 

Truly Madly DeeplyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ