Move in

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Jiyong was home with Taeyong.

He thought he been a little harsh for making Taeyeon work late. Its that he doesn't want her to meet her guy friend.

So he decided to go pick up Taeyeon and make excuses that Taeyong wants to see her.

But end up seeing someone all smiling getting into a car..

He went home with an angry face.. He then realize why did he even care who she met. He shrug his head... no no no... I'm not jealous thinking to himself.

At the restaurant

B: I miss you guys so much. My last two months of studying back there was really lonely and boring without you guys.

T:We miss you two, but we are also busy with life back here.

B: how's Taeyong? I miss him. Can I go see him tomorrow?

Taeyeon hesitate..

B:why? I can't

T:No No, you can. Is just he's living with his dad. Don't worry. I'll ask him to go out to eat with us tomorrow. I'm sure he missed you too.

Ring Ring
Taeyeon pick up the phone.

Yong: Mommy when are you coming back? I miss you.

T: Mommy will go to you soon. Just wait a little okay? I love you.

Yong: Can't you come back now?

By his side Jiyong listening encouraging Taeyong to make his mom come to him as soon as possible.

Alright Taeyeon replied. I will go now.

T: I have to go now Taeyong want me to go to him.

B: Okay I'll drop you off.

Baekyeon drop off Taeyeon...

B: Good Night.

T: Thanks for droping me off. Bye Bye

B: Bye..

Jiyong look out the window. He was a lil pissed seeing who drop of Taeyeon.

T: Taeyong? Mom's here..

Yong: Mom! I miss you.

T: I miss you too.

Yong: Sleep over today. I miss sleeping together with you.
I want you to read a bed time story for me tonight.

Taeyeon hesitate for a bit as she was to say something...

J: Yes just sleep here tonight. You should listen to him. Rverynight he only ask for you. Just you visit is not enough.

T: Well who took him away from me.

Jiyong pause and look at Taeyeon.  Move in then. Don't worry i'm doing this for Taeyong.

Yong: Mommy please!

T: Wait... It's...

J: You don't want to? Is it because of that guy?

T: Huh? It's not like that..

J: Then what's  the need to hesitate. It will also be easier to go to work and come home here to take care of taeyong.

T:Okay.. for you Taeyong..
How a bout my stuff?

J: Don't worry I'll take care of it.

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