All he was did was look at me " Wow I can't believe you did that, how could you do something like that. How could your mom do something like that, my dad was right you are trouble" as those words came out his mouth more tears were running down my face. Is that what he thinks of me now. I thought he loved me but I guess I was wrong.

"How could you say that you have no idea what I've been through and you know what screw your dad cause we wouldn't be here if he didn't open his mouth. He is always trying to tear people's happiness apart" I yell.

"Honestly I'm glad my dad told me, how long were you gonna keep this from me huh. How long were you gonna walk around looking like a fool while you kept something this big from me. You beat your mom within a inch of her life, she could have died" Ok so he was right but that doesn't mean he knew what he was talking about and right now I couldn't take this any longer.

"You know what Shane you can go fuck yourself cause you don't understand shit. So do me a favor and go home to your empty mansion and wallow in your pity with your ass of dad. You know I just realized this but your just like him" and with that I left school getting in my car and speeding down the street heading home.

Shane P.O.V.

After Alyson left I just realized everything that happened and she was right I was a complete ass. I had no clue what I was gonna do. I knew she wasn't gonna talk to right now. Why did I listen to my dad I know she would have told me. I really screwed up things now, I hope she will forgive me.

I hear the last bell ring and all the kids come out the building gearing up to do what they were gonna do on there weekend. I see Kent coming up to me and he has a huge grin on his face. "Sup bro guess what's going on tonight" he says excitedly.

"I don't know what" I say not really interested. "Well there is a huge party tonight and you can invite Alyson."

I scratched the back of my neck "Yeah bout that I'm not really in the mood for a party and me and Alyson are kinda on a break right now"

He gives me a look "What happened did you guys get in a fight?" he asks and I nod. "Well you should go anyway to get your mind off of her for the time being. I shrug "Eh I guess your right"

"Hell yeah I am I'll pick you up later" Kent said then walked off.

(At The Party)

I was walking around the party with a drink in my hand and I had good buzz right now. I saw this girl on the dance floor moving her hips to Katy Perry's Dark Horse. She was wearing a plum colored dress that was like a second skin on her and the black heels she was wearing made her legs look delicious. I chugged the rest of my drink and walk up behind her and grab her hips and start moving with her. Something about her was familiar but I was a little bit to drunk to think straight. I kissed down her neck which caused the girl to moan which made me kiss her more.

I turned her around to kiss her full on and then I realized who the girl was. It was Alyson I guess it would make sense that her body felt so familiar to me. First off what is she doing here?, Two why the hell does she look like she just walked off a photo shoot for Maxim magazine? with this tight dress. All we did is stare at each other awkwardly. Then all of  sudden she just ran off and I followed her, when I finally caught up with her. I had a "fuck it" type of moment and pulled her into a kiss.

When I kissed her it was one of those kisses that are like the last one you'll ever have but what's messed up is we haven't even saw each other for few hours and I'm already came crawling back. I pick her up and wrap her legs round my waist and take her upstairs to a open bedroom. I'm really surprised that she didn't slap me or something but I an tell she is just s drunk as I am.

I throw her on the bed and she giggles as she bounces a little. I walk over and loom over her with a smirk on my face. I pull her up and turn her around to unzip her from the dress and watch it pool her around feet. I feel her tense but relax as my hands lightly run down her back. She turns around and I got  full view of her and I must say she looked edible in her black lacey lingerie. I kiss her again this time is was with more passion instead of fast and rushed.

I lay her down on the bed with me on top and her between my legs. I kiss down her neck and hear her moan out quietly.  I keep kissing down her body and feel her little hands rip my shirt and throw it somewhere in the room. She grabs my head with her hands on my cheeks and kisses my like there was no tomorrow. I pull off my pants not breaking the kiss and she stares at the bulge in my boxers with lust in her eyes. And with that we ravished each other that night with foreplay that I couldn't deny. I wasn't ready to take her virginity without her being sober.

Alyson's P.O.V.

(The Morning)

I woke up but I didn't open my eyes cause I have a killer head ache. I cant believe I let Lena trick me into coming to the party. All I remember was dancing with this guy and then everything went black. I feel someone move in the bed and wrap their arms around my waist and that's when I freeze. Who is in the bed with me and what the hell happened. I can feel their morning wood poking me in the back so I tried to slid out the bed but their grip on me tightened.

Oh god please tell me didn't sleep with someone while I was drunk out of my mind. I really don't want my virginity to be taken from me without me even sober to remember it. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I feel the person keep moving round in the bed. Which causes him to keep pushing his junk in my back. You've got to be kidding me I really need to get out of here with whatever dignity I have left.

I try to get slip out again and guy just tightens his grip again but starts to say something. "Stop moving Alyson just go back to sleep babe" He mumbles in my hair. Damn it he knows my name you have got to be seriously fucking kid me. I just decided to around cause it cant get any worse then it already is.

I turn around and  lsee that it is none other than Shane, Thank the Lord Jesus. Wait crap its Shane that means I can do this. I pushed him of the bed and hear him go down with thump and him yelling a 'Oh shit'.

I see him pop his head up and glares at me while I'm laughing at his pain. "Oh you think that's funny huh" I nod and continue laughing. "Yeah it was pretty funny when fell and screamed like little girl" then he looked at me with this look. "Oh but last night it was reversed with you screaming my name when my head was between your legs" once he said that I froze and flew under the sheets so he couldn't see my embarrassment.

I realize I lost my virginity and I cant even remember, this isn't fair. I feel Shane pull me from under the covers and look at me sad eyes. I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped my tears away. "Alyson why are you crying?" he asked with questioning eyes now. "I lost my virginity and I cant even remember what happen last night" I say crying harder now that the words came out my mouth. I put head on Shane's chest but I hear him laughing which causes me to look at him like he is crazy.

"Why are you laughing this isn't funny you ass" I say getting angry. "Babe I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing cause you think I would take your virginity without your consent. Plus when I take your virginity I will make you scream my name until the neighbors have to call the cops and by then you wouldn't have been able to walk and answer the door" 

I was shocked at what he said and how confident he was. He has big talk and he doesn't even know if he can live up to that. "Well aren't we a little cocky now, cause that's where your wrong. From now on you wont be able to touch me cause your still in trouble" with that I get up, put my clothes on to turn around and see him staring at me with lust in his eyes. "Eyes up here babe" then I walk out the room leaving him with his mouth wide open.

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