She's Back Part 1. (Chpt 17)

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HOLY SHIT! 1.01K READS!? OHH MY GOD THATS SO MANY THINGS! ( sorry I had to quote Jacksepticeye lol )

So holy shit! And just for that I'm gonna update a bit more often lol. So thanks so much! Annnddddd heres a chapter!


-Previously on Demon Love-

"Why the fuck did we not think of that! Merk u fookin' genius!" Anti said
" arent so bad I guess..." I said with a smirk

Mark smirked back while Anti hugged him

"But how are we gonna talk to her? Let alone make a 'deal' with her" Felix pointed out

"Fffffffff-rick...he is right. How are we gonna do this?" I asked

"We are just gonna have to make such a stupid crazy plan that it might work!" Anti said

-hours after planning-

"Ok! So it's settled... We are gonna have to try to summon her like how we met her!" I stated

"This just might work..."


Darks POV

I was in bed thinking about the plan over and over again in my head...

Im overjoyed knowing that I might see Y/n again. This plan should work. Then right after Y/n is back, I'm going to kill Wilford...

-The next Morning (still darks pov)-

I woke up and I immediately went downstairs, and into the kitchen.

I made everyone coffee and waited INpatiently.

-A few minutes later-

Jack was the first one to come downstairs.

"Hey Jack!" I sort of yelled "HOLY SHITE! Dude! I think I'M deaf!" he responded while rubbing his ears
"And im pretty sure everyone else- yep called it" he said while Mark and Anti came into the kitchen while also rubbing there ears.

"Heh sorry guys..." I said shrugging my shoulders. All they did was groan in response.

-Time skip-

We all got in the car and started driving to where we first met Y/n.

"You guys think this is gonna work?" Merk The Genius said "I really hope so" Jack said. Me and Anti nodded


We arived at the building and we got up to the roof and we finished going through what we would have to do.

We agreed that I would start talking to her and ask if she would want to make a deal. Her soul should apear then we can get her to come back alive by making said deal.

"Ok...Y/n? Do you want to make a deal with me?" I said into the dark skies.

A shadow about Y/n's size appeared beside Jack. Why always Jack? Jack flinched when he realized that Y/n's force appeared beside HIM.

I looked at Jack giving the 'Stay-Calm-you-are-fine-' look, if that's even a look. Probably not but whatever!

"Y/n lets make a deal ok? You come back alive like nothing even happened, and I have to be at least friends with you until I die. Good deal huh?" I said. Yea I know, weird deal but eh it's the easiest and there won't really be a bad part in the deal.

The shadow started gliding towards me and it look like it was trying to shake my hand which would be saying they agree to the deal, but she will have to somehow sign the contract which would make the deal final and the deal would go into place.

We shoke hands and the contract appeared out of thin air, a feather dipped in ink along with it.

The shadows 'arm' was reaching for the feather when it stopped. Suddenly the shadow was showing a bit of y/n's face. Then a saw a bright light and then it was y/n, well a ghost version instead of a blob.

Y/n began to reach for the feather again. She got the pen and started signing the contract.

She finished signing the contract and I saw her smile and a tear stream down her face. Same with me. Then a bright light.

"She's Back..."


Demon Love  •COMPLETED✓• (Darkiplier x Demon Reader x Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now