"I'm fine, Mei. In fact, I'm feeling better, thank you for asking. How are you?" She took another bite from her toast, savouring the taste of burnt carbohydrate and rich protein from the scrambled eggs.

Mei walked closer to her, standing beside the cowboy and her face brightened up with a smile.

"I'm feeling great! Yesterday, I just went to the Himalayas to see the mountains! It was wonderful! You should come there often!"

"Maybe not now.. I will be busy soon I get enough rest after this." She finished her meal, and McCree quickly took the tray from her like a gentleman he is.

"Care for seconds, ma'am?"

"Oh, it's alright. I'm full." Angela declined.

"Well, best be off. Got other important things to do." McCree decided to leave the ladies for a chit-chat, and he didn't want to be in their way. Women can be scary.

"Thank you, Jesse..." McCree just nodded at Angela. He turned to look at the other lady.

"Would you mind keeping the doc some company, miss?" Mei nodded gleefully accepting McCree's favor. He turned his heel and walked his way to the exit.

As Mei watched McCree left the room with the tray, she sat at the corner of Angela's bed.

"You should get some time of yourself, doctor... All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I'd be happy to bring you there."

"No thanks, Mei. You came to the Himalayas for a reason. I don't want to disturb your research."

"Try to enjoy more doctor. I heard about your stress levels from Winston too. You shouldn't let work stressed you out."

"My work only had sick people and white rooms. There's not much to see something exciting in the hospital sadly." Angela was a bit jealous with Mei. She could see that the young climatologist was enjoying with her life while conducting her research instead of sitting around in a gloomy hospital and handle deaths, like she was doing right now.

Mei saw the change of expression on her face, and the Chinese researcher started to frown.

"Is there something wrong, Mercy?"

"Oh, nothing was wrong! It's just that..  I have a thought to myself. Must be fun for having a job that travels around the world. Surely it is exciting."

"Oh it is... but if my research didn't have to do with life threatening disasters, that would be more fun.."

"...not to mention still having your friends by your side and doing research together.." Mei continued, with her chin propped up by her hand that stood on her lap. Her eyes wandered in the room, thinking about something. Angela regretted on bringing that up.

"I'm sorry... I should've been more sensitive."

"It's alright. You can't change the past, right? Things just happened, so better to move on." She let out a sigh and sat up straight. The doctor could see the solemness in her eyes, she was trying so hard to cope with the sudden changes of the world on her own.

"Do you have a partner, Mercy?" Mei's question got her by surprise.

"You mean, a lab partner of the sort?"

Mei nodded with curiosity visibly seen on her face. Angela didn't put much effort to think of an answer.

"More like a co-worker. She's helping with the people in Saudi Arabia right now. I would've been there if Overwatch didn't recall."

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