Big D

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"You got something to say to me?" The blonde Savior asked Daryl as he glared at the man in silence. There were at least thirteen of them, all armed and aiming their guns at Daryl and Rosita. The blonde man pushed Eugene forward and forced him onto his knees. "You gonna clear the air? Step up on that high horse?" Daryl didn't respond. "No. You don't talk much."The man motioned for two of the Saviors to pat them down and remove their weapons. They took their rifles, knives, even their backpacks, leaving them with nothing. "Still getting the hang of her." The man said as he gestured towards his crossbow. Daryl's crossbow. This had to have been D. Daryl's eyes furrowed in anger. "Kicks like a bitch, but-"

"I should've done it." Daryl grumbled.

"Oh, what's that? Seriously, I didn't catch what you said."

"I should've killed ya."

"Yeah, you probably should've." D nodded. "So, here we are. Kind of begs the question, right? Who brought this on who? I mean, I get that you'll just have to take my word for this, but... she wasn't even the one I was aiming for. Like I said, kicks like a bitch." I tightened my grip on my bow, but Abraham put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head.

"Not yet." Abraham looked around and turned back to me. "There's a bunch of oil drums a few hundred yards away from here, we should move behind 'em. More coverage." I gently nodded and quietly followed Abraham, keeping an eye on the Saviors to make sure we didn't get spotted. Once behind the drums I peered through an opening, to check on the scene, only to see Eugene staring right at me. I lifted a finger to my lips and Eugene looked away.

"It's nothing personal. Look, this isn't how we like to start new business arrangements, but, well, you pricks kind of set the tone, didn't you?"

"What do you want?" Rosita spat.

"I'm sorry, darlin', I didn't catch your name. I'm D, or Dwight. You can call me either." Rosita rolled her eyes. "So? What's your name?"

"Rosita. What do you want?"

"Stay here." Abraham whispered. I nodded and watched Abraham as he took off into the woods.

"Well, Rosita... it's not what I want. It's what you and Daryl are going to do. You're going to let us into your little complex. It looks like it's just beautiful in there." I swallowed hard. They were watching us. "And then you're going to let us take whatever and whoever we want... or we blow Eugene's brains out. And then yours," Dwight turned to Daryl. "and then his. I hope it doesn't have to come to that, really. We just try and start with one. You know... maximum impact to get our point across. I was hoping to get the woman who was with Eugene earlier, but you two will do."

"What woman?" Daryl grumbled.

"Oh, she was quite a beautiful sight. Wouldn't you say so, guys?" The Saviors all chuckled as Dwight licked his lips. "Yeah, she was truly stunning. Long brown hair, fit figure, sexy as hell. And how she carried herself? It's like she was trained just for this life, she looks like the type of person you wouldn't want to cross. And with that bow of hers, why would you want to?"

"Ya brought 'er out here?" Daryl snarled.

"She took me out here." Eugene explained. "She and I were goin' huntin'. It was her night to hunt, she just wanted someone to watch her back for walkers. But she and I got into an argument and she stormed off."

"Yeah, she's really beautiful. She'd be a perfect gift for Negan. He sure does love his women." Daryl's jaw instantly clenched. "So, what's it gonna be?" Dwight asked.

"Ya wanna kill someone, ya start with our companion hidin' over there behind the oil barrels." Everyone turned their attention to the oil drums. "She left me out here to fend for myself, didn't give a tinker's damn if I made it home alive. She's a first-class a-hole and deserves it so much more than us three."

Surviving Alexandria (BOOK THREE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now