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My stomach growled as Abraham, Eugene, and I made our way out of the gates. I was so intrigued about Eugene's news that I didn't finish the rest of my breakfast, despite the protests from Rick. I wondered how Daryl Rosita, and Denise were doing on their run. I guess, according to Eugene, Denise asked Rosita to go with her, but she refused to go with Denise alone, that's why Daryl went. I'm not mad though, Rosita is a hothead. If Denise began to annoy her, at least Daryl would be there to defuse the situation.

Abraham gently nudged my arm and handed me a folded up bunch of aluminum foil, I could instantly smell my leftover venison. "Ya need to eat, Monster. I don't wanna have to give ya a piggyback ride the entire time."

"But you are offerin' a piggyback ride, right?" I smiled.

"Maybe... if ya play your cards right." Abraham smirked and watched me open the package and rip off a piece before handing it to him. "Monster-"

"Just eat my meat and shut up."

"Yes, ma'am." Abraham laughed and took the piece of venison from me. "So... about that Dixon party last night-"

"Rick hid under my bed and was gonna stab me with a syringe full of sedatives. I knew someone was under the bed, I tried to warn Daryl, but we got caught up with-"

"Uggin' bumplies?" Abraham chuckled. "Yeah, I know. Your room ain't far from mine, remember?"

"Sorry." I blushed.

"Don't be. Like ya said, at least someone's gettin' some pussy." I smiled and took a bite out of my venison, the seasoning instantly sending my taste buds into an euphoric high. "He was worried sick about ya, you know? Daryl. When we got out of the buildin' we all assumed you were still inside. Rick began to press Primo about where ya were, and that's when we found out that you, Maggie, and Carol were taken. Don't get me wrong, he was worried about the whole lot of ya, but he was even more frantic about you. Kept goin' on about how sorry he was when I asked 'em what was goin' on between the two of y'all. Care to tell me why?"

"It's all water under the bridge, Abe." I smiled.

"Abe?" Abraham tittered with amusement. "I get Abe now? No wiseass nickname?"

"Nah, you'll still get 'em. But right now, I have no reason for a wiseass remark."

"Well now, I gotta fix that."

"Don't worry, you'll always be my G.I. Joe, Ginger Hulk Hogan, Gingerbread Man, Ginger, and whatever nicknames I gave ya."

"And you'll always be my Monster." Abraham smiled.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Yosemite Sam was another one."

"Oooooo!  I hate that rabbit!" Abraham said, using his best Yosemite Sam voice, instantly causing me to laugh.

"Shouldn't be too much further." Eugene stated. "Just another few blocks north, our destination will be down an alleyway on the right."

"How did ya even find out about this place?"

"When I went on a run about a week ago. Me and some of the other techs went to get more equipment and tools to keep Alexandria up and runnin' at full capacity. We passed this location, but it wasn't until I looked into it that I realized what this place was."

"And what exactly is it?" I asked.

"That's classified, Michaela." Eugene smiled. You'll just have to wait until we get there."

Surviving Alexandria (BOOK THREE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now