A Bigger World

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My eyes fluttered open, slightly blinded by the sunlight that faintly bled through the blinds. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I sat up and looked around the room, sighing when I realized that Daryl's side of the bed remained empty, knowing that he kept guard all night "Damn it, Daryl." I quietly hissed. I crawled out of bed and got dressed as fast as my groggily legs would allow me to and geared up for the day. The faint sound of snoring came through the wall, causing me to smile. Abraham was still asleep, now id the perfect time to seek revenge.

I crept out into the hall, debating my methods of revenge as I made my way over to the storage closet, getting everything I needed before walking over to Abraham's door. I quietly opened the door and smiled down at the two sleeping figures of Abraham and Rosita. I felt bad for dragging Rosita into this, but Abraham deserved what was coming to him. I quietly sat the supplies down on the floor beside the bed and quickly got to work with sliding set mouse traps under the blanket and along the floor on his side of the bed. Once content, I quietly opened his drawer and pulled out his knife and his entire stash of condoms and pushed the blade through the entire bundle, leaving it on top of the end table for him to see. Finally, after my reign of terror was over, I crept out of the room and walked downstairs where Martinez was preparing a pot of coffee.

"Morning." Martinez smiled.

"Mornin'." I smiled back.


"Not really."


"Martinez, please, don't start so early in the mornin'. I'm just not hungry, okay?" Martinez let out a sigh, but nodded. He's been on my ass a lot lately, saying that I need to eat more, but he just doesn't seem to understand how bad the food situation is getting. We have to ration.

"Going hunting?" Martinez motioned to my bow and quiver on my back.

"Nah, figured I'd go wake Carl up and see if he wants to go practice shootin'. Haven't taken 'em since before he lost his eye."

"Think he's gonna want to?"

"He's been down in the dumps since he got shot, he needs a pick-me-up." I gently smiled and headed towards the door, gripping my bowstring tight in my hand.

"Michaela," Martinez called out to me. "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"Well," Martinez sighed. "remember when-"

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Abraham snarled from upstairs. "DIXOOOOOOOOOOOOON!"

"Shit!" I laughed. "I'm sorry, Martinez, but can this wait until I'm not bein' hunted down?"

"Yeah." Martinez nodded and I ran out the front door and over to Rick's house. I quickly, but quietly made my way up the stairs and raised my hand to knock on Carl's door.

"Rick." A voice whispered, catching my attention. "Rick, wake up." I instantly grabbed my pistol from my waistband and crept over to Rick's door, peering inside to see Jesus standing at the foot of the bed, calmly holding his hands up in surrender. "We should talk." CLICK! I cocked my gun and stepped into the room, placing the barrel against Jesus' temple. "Good morning, Michaela." Jesus smiled.

"Shut the fuck up!" I snarled before turning to check on Rick, dropping my jaw instantaneously. "Damn!" I smiled, causing Rick to turn beet red. "Good mornin' to you, too, Big Dick Rick."

"Michaela!" Rick groaned.

"Oh, come on, that one was funny." I glanced over to the other side of the bed and smiled at the sight of Michonne holding her katana up, completely undressed.

Surviving Alexandria (BOOK THREE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now