The Safe House

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Everyone waved Martinez and Heath off as they drove away in one of the Saviors' trucks we found at the back of the property. Everyone was finally able to take a breather, relax, it was finally over. I looked over at Michonne who had a deep-in-thought expression on her face. "What is it?" I asked.

"Just- just wanna know which one of them was Negan." Michonne sighed.

"Rick," Daryl said as he walked up to us. "I can't find Michaela."

"She's back at the RV." I answered.

"She went back?"

"She left?"

"The last time I saw her, she left me to gather all their marijuana plants, said we could use it for medical reasons." Aaron explained. "That was a few minutes before Abraham and Sasha found me.

"Shit." I grumbled. "She's gotta still be inside." VROOM! VROOM! Everyone quickly turned around as a motorcycle sped out of a side door with a Savior riding on top.

"Son of a bitch!" Daryl snarled as he ran after him. BRATATATAT! Rosita shot her rifle and instantly knocked the man onto the ground. Daryl climbed on top of the man and slammed his fist into his jaw. "WHERE'D YA GET THE BIKE?" CLICK! I raised my pistol at the man.

"Just do it!" The man snarled as he spat out blood. "Like you did everyone else, right?"

"No," I hissed. "first, you're gonna tell us where our friend is." I instantly jumped at the sound of radio static.

"Lower your gun, prick." A woman's voice came over the radio. "You, with the Colt Python. All of you, lower your weapons right now." I looked down on the ground and saw the radio lying beside the man's head. I cautiously bent over and picked up the radio and put it to my lips as everyone kept their guns up, scanning the area while Daryl and I held our aim on the man on the ground.

"Come on out. Let's talk."

"We're not coming out, but we will talk." The radio briefly fell silent. "We've got a Carol, Maggie, and Michaela. I'm thinking that's something you want to chat about." I instantly looked over at Daryl who's face mirrored mine, drained, angry... scared.


Carol and Maggie helped me to my feet as a cold rain poured down on us. There were four people surrounding us. The leader was a redheaded woman, looked like a bitch and a half in my opinion. The man beside her seemed to be with her, stood close to her in an almost protective way. He was bleeding from under a tourniquet on his arm. Most likely shot by Maggie or Carol. The woman beside him was a short, fat older woman, she smelled of cigarettes and stale armpits. And he last woman was a skinny brunette. She didn't talk much, but she still had her gun on us, whether out of fear or precaution was beyond my knowledge. I gave Carol and Maggie a reassuring nod, telling them that everything was going to be okay.

"Now, we're gonna work this out right now, and it's gonna go our way." The leader spoke into the radio.

"You can see we have one of yours." Rick's voice came over the radio. "We'll trade."

Surviving Alexandria (BOOK THREE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now