Close Call

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"You have got to be fuckin' shittin' me." I grumbled as I looked down at Alexandria's first prisoner sitting on the floor. A wolf. A filthy, disease ridden, flea infested wolf. "Who the fuck is this?"

"His name is Owen." Denise answered. Owen looked disgusting. His hair was long, matted, and greasy his teeth were rotting away, and he had a giant 'W' scar on his forehead.

"I don't even know why I asked that, it doesn't matter." I sighed. "Who's fuckin' idea was this?"

"Mine." Morgan spoke up.

"Didn't anyone ever tell ya that ya can't keep wild animals as pets?"

"He's not an animal."


"He's a human being-"


"It doesn't matter what he's done, all life is-"

"If you say 'all life is precious' one more time, Morgan, I swear to God I'll fuckin' gut your ass." I growled. "Does Rick even know?" No one responded. "Ya mean to tell me, that you're keepin' a man prisoner without lettin' Rick know? Are ya fuckin' stupid?"

"I haven't had the chance to tell him." Morgan sighed. "I need to find a way to tell him and keep him from killing Owen at the same time."

"Good luck with that, you've royally fucked yourself over on this one. Ya tell Rick, best case scenario is that he kills this filthy mongrel and let's ya stay. Ya don't tell Rick and he finds out, he still kills 'em and possibly kicks your ass out, leavin' ya to the walkers. Either way, when Rick's done with 'em, I'm gonna hang his pelt on my wall."

"I won't let anyone kill this man."

"Do ya really think you can make it through life now without gettin' blood on your hands? Ya don't kill this man and he escapes and kills someone, their blood is on your hands. Ya kill this man, his blood is on your hands. Hell, ya don't kill a walker, every person or animal they bite or rip apart, that's on yours, too." Morgan didn't respond. "Ya say 'all life is precious', and yet your puttin' ours at risk by keepin' this flea bag here. Not killin' people? Not killin' the threat? That shit ain't easy."

"It really isn't." Owen smiled.

"You best shut the fuck up, mutt." I snapped. "You don't get to talk."

"But I still am." I quickly unsheathed my knife and placed it against his throat.

"Ya really wanna push my buttons? After what your pack of mutts did? Ya must have a death wish. I oughta just skin your ass right here, save Rick the trouble of beatin' your ass."

"Michaela, that's enough!" Morgan snapped. "He's our prisoner, and that's the end of it." I glared at Morgan and sheathed my knife as I headed for the door.

"Their blood's on your hands, Morgan."I grumbled. "Get your fuckin' mutt a muzzle berfore he gets himself killed." I exited the house, slamming the door behind me , making my way back towards my house. Morgan was wrong, this wasn't safe. Rick needed to know. When I reached the house, Eugene was sitting on the steps, resting his chin in his head as he watched Rosita teaching the Alexandrians how to fight across the way. "Eugene?" Eugene quickly looked up at me.

"Good mornin', Michaela." Eugene faked a smile.

"What's goin' on?"

"Nothin'." I sat down beside Eugene, looking over at Rosita's group.

Surviving Alexandria (BOOK THREE IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now