Fake Girlfriends and Triple Dates

Start from the beginning

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"Tan 70°= x/4..." Professor Needles' weary, monotone voice mumbled on and on.

I'm trying my best not to doze off while writing notes and pretending to listen. The exams are very near and it's just killing me, I barely get any sleep. I have a 4.2 grade point average and I intend to keep it that way if I want to stay in this beautiful college and keep studying pre-med, so I can graduate and go to Loma Linda and study to be a brain surgeon. That means I CANNOT SLEEP.

I start looking around to keep my mind off of Prof. Needles' monotone voice and falling asleep. I look across the room, around the room, out the window.. Nice weather today, then I finally looked up to the balcony.

That's when I see him. The rich brat.

And I'm caught off guard when I see him staring right at me.

Then he winks.

I suddenly remember why he looked a little familiar. He was the disgusting pig trying to bite the busty brunette's face off.


I turn around and look straight forward.

I did not have any trouble falling asleep anymore.

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Just as I'm exiting the auditorium, I come face to face with the bitter, crotch stain, witch of a girl named Alison.

Ugh. Alison.

Alison has always hated me from day one of college.

I really don't know why, but she's always had a thing against me. She's not popular or anything, in fact, everyone hates her. It's not like she's heart-stopping beautiful or something, she's normal looking. She just thinks she's better than everybody.

"Well, look what the leper cat dragged in." She closes in and spits on me.

"Don't piss me off today, I'm running out of places to hide bodies." I say, looking down at her.

"I always knew you were the type of person who would kill someone then drag them into their cave to do weird stuff on them." She replies, "Weirdo".

"Look, the earth is full. Go home." I say, tired and hungry. I start walking away, she follows me.

"I heard you hooked up with my boyfriend. Stay away from him." She says to my face.

"About him.. I'm worried.." I put on a mock concerned face, "I think he might be batting for the other team."

"Yeah, right. You're just trying to steal him." She scoffs.

"Please.. I actually called him gay once, and he hit me with his purse! You should really keep him in check." I tell her.

"At least I have one, ass butt."

"Clever. Really. Having no boyfriend is better than having a gay one. And even if he was straight, he sure as hell doesn't like you for your 'sparkling personality'." I reply.

"I know you're just jealous of me because I'm the girl every girl wants to be, every guy wants to be with." She says.

"Well obviously, you have delusions of adequacy." I tell her.

A look of confusion flashes briefly on her face as she pauses to figure out what I just said meant.

I smirk.

"I can almost hear the gears grinding inside your head." I say.

"You're so condescending." She says, smiling a little. Probably proud she used such a 'big word'.

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