Chp. 24 "Meet the Masons"

Start from the beginning

“Because you were just looking at me with this cute look on your face… and I have no idea why.”

I smiled as I planted a sweet and soft kiss on her lips, “I’m just thinking how lucky I am to have you here for me. You really have no idea what you mean to me.”

The words flew out of my mouth before I could swallow them but I’m glad I didn’t. The look on Avery’s face was priceless as she leaned her head into my neck and hugged me. I could feel her heart against my chest as she pressed herself against me, allowing us to share yet another good moment.

Then another loud banging on the door pulled up apart, “I said hurry up you too!”

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone, “Guess it’s time to let my parents know I’m in town.”

~ ~ ~ ~

I watched eagerly as I sat in the middle of the backseat, allowing me to have the perfect view of the road ahead. This little town was significantly different that my big hometown back in Jacksonville, including the narrow and horribly paved roads. I wondered why my parents had moved down here, or if they were originally from Monroe, Louisiana.

The thought of my parents intrigued me, but it also caused stress and nervousness to seep back into my thoughts. Max and Gage were in idle chat as we continued along the given route from the GPS, and I watched the miles digress as more of the little pink road on the computerized screen disappeared. Then it spoke, “Take the next right onto Auburn Lane in .5 miles.”

My heart picked up in my chest as I realized this was it, that we were minutes away from pulling up into my parent’s driveway.

Avery’s hand slipped into mine, letting me know that she was here for me no matter what the outcome of today was. My stomach was clenched in anticipation and anxiety, praying that everything today went well and I wouldn’t leave Louisiana heart broken.

Because in this situation it was impossible to leave my expectations low, and I hoped it wouldn’t bite me in the ass.

Then the computerized voice spoke while my eyes took in the little house standing in front of me, “Destination arrived.”

The little white house stood strong, its four concrete steps leading up to a dark brown door that held a cute welcome sign. The grass was green with life and the windows were open, as if it was welcoming us with open arms.

Max looked back at me, “Are you ready?”

My grip tightened around Avery’s hand as I nodded stiffly, knowing it was now or never. This was it; I was finally going to meet my real parents. After 18 years of being in the dark I was going to meet the people who gave me my abilities, and Max and I were finally going to meet more people like us. Avery spoke comforting words, “Andy, it’s okay, we’re here for you.”

Her voice actually pulled me out of my shocked state as I realized I was in front of my biological parent’s house. I looked into her eyes and nodded, giving her the okay to open the door and allow us to exit the car.

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