Becoming a Vampire

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"How does it work?"
"Well it's half spell , half potion, im afraid I may have to cut some of your hair and prick your finger for a drop of your blood."
"Um okay" she starts getting various objects out of places a bottle of black liquid , some scissors , a needle , some coffee beans and lots more. She beckoned me over so I lightly lifted haggle up and laid him in some cushions.
I walked over to her table which had the objects scattered over it and she picked up the scissors and picked up a section of my hair and snipped the end of catching my hair in her hands. She then picked up the needle , the pain is never as bad as we thinks it's going to be.
She pricked it on the end of my finger
I flinched , I wasn't going to be a wuss and start going, ouch ouch ouch!
She squeezed it making my blood drizzle out of it and she scooped it up in a tiny tiny jar. She then went to the caldron. It was bubbling with some weird liquid inside, it was half full and she outed the black liquid in , sprinkled the coffee beans, my hair and emptied the tiny jar in too . She then got more things such as what I think was vampire blood and put that in and then a loads more that I couldn't keep track of. There was a huge boom. WHOOSH! The smoke blossomed into the air and when it cleared she was facing me with a small bottle in her hand.
"If I were you I'd drink it quickly as I don't think it tastes very nice"
"Now?" I ask nervously savouring my last fully human moments ,
"Sure" she replied and with that I unscrewed the cap and began gulping the deep red potion. She began to say the spell.
"Give back what was taken many years ago and let me transform back to the true me, I deserve to be what I was before and now I truly believe, a vampires life is what I crave I other an compare , for a vampires life is the one I was born for no other shall compare."
The potion tasted bitter extremely bitter like chemicals or salt running down my throat but my the time I'd gotten to the last drop my head was going fuzzy and the library began to spin I saw thick , thick purple smoke fly up around me as I felt my body become weak and I crashed to the floor....

"Holly? Come on sunshine!" I heard willow faint Scottish voice as my vision cleared. Everything ached, Especially my mouth, oh god my mouth!!! I scrabbled up to my feet and began frantically searching for a mirror. With a puff of smoke willow had created one , she could tell that was what I needed. I gently lifted up my lip to reveal pearly whit fangs they were strong at both sides and they looked amazing , I loved them! No , I adored them I felt excitement rush over me and my vision turn yellowish for a second. What. Yellow? Why- oh my!
"Did my eyes just flick-"
She nodded
"Welcome to the land of magic."
I felt something that could only be magic run through my veins. And I felt alive......

((((((( Woah okay so that's my first book I really really really hope somebody out there enjoyed it , please comment whatever you though about it and I am going to do a part 2 😬, it's been so fun writing this book and all the time I've spent writing it had been well worth it so yeah! Thanks so much if your reading this and be sure to follow my account 🙃🙂❤)))

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