Zelvena (5)

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I nodded as we arrived at my house , I opened the door and welcomed her in , as predicted dad wasn't here
"Woah " she smiled " it's very bright and cheerful "
"I guess" I'd never noticed it before but most of the walks were pastel of at least a pretty light colour
She smiled and when she did it felt so heart warming no matter how ice cold her skin looked
"Are you cold ? I can put the heating on ? "I say and hand over her hot coffee
She shakes her head "No I'm fine " she sips the coffee "but this is amazing!! I haven't had coffee in ages hmmmm it's like magic that runs right to my soul " I watched the cup for black lipstick marks when she stopped drinking but there wasn't one , her lips were still pure black and perfect. and when she sipped again I swear I saw her eyes flicked red just for a second! Even less perhaps. But that can't be right can it? Like not really?
I looked at her I want to ask her so many questions but at the same time right now she's the closest I have to a friend and I really don't want to mess that up so I just asked one . I didn't know what answer to expect but any answer was good I supposed
"Are you human"
There was a long silence and she just looked kinda defeated as if all the life and energy had gone. Her eyes kinda lost their sparkle for a while but she still looked so beautiful.
"I cannot lie to you Holly " she began "I aren't like the other people at your school I'm not- how do you put it ? - normal " she sighed
My mind was all over the place I had a girl in my home who wasn't even human I didn't know what she was or what she can do or anything but for some reason I felt she was safe to be around. I put my heads on my head and rubbed my eyes. "I can't say that I believed you were all human from the start you just seemed so different- not in a bad way! " I said still staring at her beautiful eyes that seemed like the blacks of her eyes were so black they could have passed as being dipped in poison and the brown parts like sweet melted chocolate drizzled all over.
"Thanks I guess? " she laughed "I know you have so many questions and in time they shall all be answered holly"

"If your not human , what are you? " I asked
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you , Holly do you believe in magic? "
I nodded and that wasn't a lie I've always loved the idea of witches and wizards and magical things but this was not something I'd ever expect to see ,my heart was pounding so heart and my palms were dripping in sweat.
"Well I guess I kinda come from that stuff I'm not some magical fairy princess though oh god no! " she shook her head " I am a vampire"
All the words were going through my head so fast like a tornado messing up everything in my brain I couldn't process anything as it was all going so fast.
"You must be joking?!" I cried
She shook her head
"Yeah right! I'm sorry but how the hell am I ment to believe that? "

She stood up and went into the part of the kitchen were there was more space she locked eyes with me and all of a sudden this deep people mist arrose it just appeared around her like some magical shield the mist shone quiet brightly all shades of purples and lilacs and then eventually drifted into nothing

But she wasn't there , well her human vampire body wasn't but her BAT BODY WAS !!!!!! She was kinda a cute little bat and she just fluttered in the air she was still a midnight black colour  like her hair and she danced in the air like she'd been doing it for years ... well she probably had. The mist arose again but for some reason it didn't seem as dramatic this time. Again once it had cleared she was now a vampire again.... "my names Zelvena" she said and smiled

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