Decisions (8)

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The next day when I woke up I threw in my clothes , left all my make up , stuffed my hair up into an extremely messy bun and slammed the door on my way out . School lasted forever , again and thank goodness I didn't have a detention because I might have actually cried. The whole day I could only think about Zelvena and what could get queen want me for? I finally got out of school and walked through the gates , Charlotte was walking right behind me and started kicking me in the back of my leg , her muddy boots left marks on the back of my tights
"Stop it , just stop?! " I shout
They all laugh and she continues

Then she falls down , into a huge puddled . The mud soaked into her clothes and hair and her make ups completely ruined.
Zelvenas stood there and she whispers into my ear
" well , I'm not all good "
Charlotte slowly stands up panting like a weirdo and slightly shaking she tries her best to wipe the mud of her but I mean there's no chance that's coming out of her white shirt.
I can't help but laugh and I'm not talking about a small chuckle I'm talking about a laugh so big that you sound like a pig crossed with a drunk person I mean I snorted a couple of times I was laughing that hard and my belly was aching so bad but I just couldn't help my self I just looked around and everyone was staring at her laughing they didn't even realise there's a pig next to them . I see the fury rise in her eyes but she's so bothered about her appearance she can't pick on me.
Zelvenas trying to hide her smile and I look at her I mouth , thank you and she nods . Charlotte walks up the street and soon is out of sight and everyone else has gone too.
"Your allowed to trip people up then? " I ask
"No we are not but as I said I ain't all good" we laugh and walk all the way up to my house together.
"Truth is , id really like you to come to the vampires world soon , just to visit"
I think about dad and how angry he was last night and how mad I was and how much I loved the idea of magic.
"What about my dad , he'll be so mad if I come home late? " I asked nervously
"Well you could ask him to go out again before we go , he might say no because we were late yesterday , but it's worth a shot ?" She smiles and now when she smiles no matter how cold she looks it warms up her face and her eyes sparkle it's so beautiful to watch her emotions change.
I nod and walk into my house
"Hey dad " I smile he just grunts , sat with a beer watching telly.
We both go up the stairs and there's no point trying to sneak her up because dad is so glued to the telly he dosent look at anything else.
I look at all my clothes
" I wanna wear something good if I'm going to meet her, your queen " I smile , actually getting excited
"Well she likes black " zelevena laughs
I take out a black top and some jeans this is all I have , I look at her and she smiles "the queen won't mind if your. It dressed formally I think you turning up at all will make her happy "
I do my make up so I look like I've made and effort and just brush my hair down.

Okay , here we go
"Dad, I'm off out!!" I shout nervously
"Are you hell!!!" He screams
"I am , I need to"
" I don't care , your staying in your room all night because I can't trust you!" He shouts angrily from the living room
I look at Zelevena and she just looks disappointed and that's when I realised out of all the people in this world this Zelevena wants me to see her queen , more importantly , the queen wants to see me.
"You know what dad , I'm going , I don't know when I'll be back just like you when your out drinking mist nights!!! "
He nearly screams and I hear him leap up from his chair and charge out into the hallway.
"YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!" He yells right in my face and his breath stinks of beer again.
I grab my bag and stare at him
"Watch me " I say in a calm voice
And before he can lock the door I'm already out of it running down the street  zelvenas bat body is following behind me.

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