The new girl (4)

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School once again drags , Charlotte wasn't at school today so her little gang looked like seagulls searching about for something to do , I mean they couldn't even bully people alone they needed Charlotte . I skipped lessons I've done it once or twice before no body came looking for me because I'm not one of those people who stick out I'm just a person who makes up numbers I'm just , there. I hide in the German classroom as no one goes there anymore. Some girls who must of been skiving around there ran out , saying they need somewhere better to hide . I think they are in my year, Lucy and Megan? I don't know , I eat my lunch sat with my back against the wall . It's silent but every now and again the trees will scrape along the windows.  Eventually after 4 hours the bell rings I grab my bag and walk towards the gates , then I remember , my detention. Ugh!

I went and sat down in a seat and stared at the walls , This was my second detention the first one was for not obeying a teachers orders , well I'm sorry but I refuse to dissect a frog if charlottes my partner because she was ready to flick half of its guts into my face . Anyway there's about 12 boys sat there pulling faces at each other and 8 girls trying to sort out there nails . The hour dragged , and I mean I ended up counting how many blinks I did in a minute I was that bored. But eventually they let us all go , the other kids rushed to get out , like swarms of kids , pulling , scratching and fighting their way out . I stayed back so I didn't get hurt and when they all went , I then began to walk and that's when I saw her

A incredibly pale girl , perhaps a couple of years older then me she stood at the end of the road. She had  silky jet black hair that flowed beautifully down . Her eyes were deep brown she had skin the colour of snow , so pale for a second I considered if she was even human. She was dressed in a black long sleeves top that looked as if it was made of lace and a skirt that matched . She worked tough black boots with the laces neatly tied, around her neck was a black necklace without any charm and a bracelet that was silver it had writing on it but I couldn't work out what it said I think it was Roman numerals , a date perhaps? Damn I wish I'd of paid more attention in maths I could have worked it out  . She stood like a stature as if she was giving me a second to admire her beauty , which believe me , I was . I walked up to her and she just stared at me , not a nasty stare but just gazing at me with a small sweet smile with her lips closed they were pure black. I carried on walking and soon went slowly passed her. She smelt like cinnamon with a hint of something I couldn't make out , but it was a nice smell . Her eyes followed me I could feel her stare sinking into my back. She whispered something I couldn't quite make out , a calm voice
"Excuse me did you just say something ? " I asked and turned around
Her eyes lit up a little and she began to speak
" I just said it's Holly isn't it , your name ? "
She must have seen the panic in my eyes and the fear as she put her pale hand on my shoulder and held it tight enough to reassure me
"Oh don't be scared oh god oh god um... I'm new at the school my names zelv- no umm my names daisy? Y-yes daisy ! "She looks scared her self and
Takes her hand back of my shoulder
For once in my life I said screw the rules there was something about this girl I couldn't help but love I'd only know her 2 seconds "well whoever you are , would you like to come to my house and I don't know maybe just talk with a cup of coffee? "
Her eyes flicker again she looks around and then replies
"Why not , " and smiles
We walk home and I ask her where she's come from
"Well it's a dark area , indescribable in fact ..."

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