"I couldn't take it anymore! Damn she was annoying!" Paige said, as Dean smiled.

 The battle was back on and soon all the Vamps were dead, of course the fight wasn't easy, both Dean and Paige had been injured; Dean though would heal in minutes, Paige, being human wasn't so lucky. As they leaned against the wall, catching their breath, Dean watched her closely. He knew she was hurting and he wasn't sure if he should let her continue.

 "Don't even think about telling me to sit this out!" Paige said, not looking at him, as she checked herself for injuries.

 "Paige, you're wounded and exhausted, the fight is only going to get worse! The Elders are stronger and smarter than..."

 "I get it Dean!" Paige said sighing frustrated, as she finally looked at him. "I'm helping you finish this and you can't stop me! Besides, we kicked some serious Vamp ass, I told you we make a great team!"

 "Yeah, yeah!" Dean said smiling, as they began walking again. "Let's go Wonder Woman!" He added, both laughing, Paige punched him in the arm.


 Roman sighed sadly, as he sat on the floor watching Seth pace, it's been hours since they were taken and still there was no sign of Dean. Roman wanted to believe that Dean was still alive and coming after them, but knowing where Keeper had sent him, Roman couldn't stop thinking of the worst. Seth though, refused to give up on Dean, it hurt Roman to know Seth had more faith in Dean, than he had and Roman was in love with Dean!

 "Ro?" Seth's voice spoke, breaking into his thoughts.


 "Worrying about him being dead doesn't mean you love him less." Seth said gently.

 "Seth, I know he can take care of himself, but he's one Vamp against the rest of his kind; including the Elders! I'm just..."

 "Scared that he could be killed?" Vassago said, cutting Roman off, as he came into the room with Keeper.

 "I guess they don't have much faith in him, do they sire?" Keeper added smiling.

 "Shut up, you bastard! You know nothing about us dammit!" Roman yelled angrily, as stood beside an equally angry Seth.

 "Such spirit you two possess! I'm going to enjoy beating it out of you slowly." Vassago said.

 "You've already tried asshole and you couldn't!" Seth stated smiling.

 "I've barely even started boys, I've only been playing with you up until now!" Vassago explained sighing. "You see you two are like little bugs that I'm playing with, until I squish you putting you out of your misery!"

 "Keep talking big to cover up the fact that you're scared shitless of Dean! It didn't worry you when you could control him, it was easier when he didn't know who he was!" Roman said smiling.

 "How dare you, you insignificant, little worms!" Keeper yelled angrily, as he stepped forward ready to attack Seth and Roman, but Vassago stopped him.

 "Easy Keeper, I can handle them! Why don't you go find something to keep yourself occupied, while I play with my new toys for awhile." Vassago said calmly.

 "No sire, I'm not leaving you alone with..."

 "That wasn't a suggestion Keeper! Leave now!" Vassago ordered angrily.

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